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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Bought 14 Bitcoin for His Kids


As the race for the White House continues to intensify, Robert Kennedy Jr., the Democratic candidate for U.S. president, has emerged as a vocal supporter of Bitcoin. He proudly asserts his commitment to the cryptocurrency by disclosing his recent purchase of 14 Bitcoin in May.

During a Twitter Spaces interview with renowned crypto investor and podcaster Scott Melker, Kennedy passionately lauded Bitcoin as the ultimate currency of freedom. Interestingly, his decision to venture into the world of crypto investments was spurred by media criticism for promoting Bitcoin without actually owning any.

To solidify his stance and set a positive example, Kennedy revealed that he purchased two Bitcoin for each of his seven children. He made this move promptly after attending the Bitcoin Conference in May. By doing so, he is now a bona fide Bitcoin owner, confidently defying any accusations of mere lip service.

The conversation between Kennedy and Melker also touched on the subject of banks' arbitrary closure of customer accounts without prior warning. They explored the possibility of political pressures influencing such decisions, highlighting the recent instance of Joseph Mercola, known as "the most influential spreader of coronavirus misinformation online, " whose bank account was shut down, as reported by the New York Times.

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