Стандартный фаст-хайп
Только что открылся,еголд еще не заблокирован
50% daily for 3 days
$5 - $50 45.00 %
$51 - $500 47.00 %
$501 - $5,000 50.00 %
70% daily for 2 days
$7 - $70 60.00 %
$71 - $700 65.00 %
701 - $7,000 70.00 %
Promotion Plan : 140% after 1 days (instant withdraw)
$14 - $140 125.00 %
$141 - $1,400 140.00 %
Monitor Plan : 110% after 1 day
$5 - $50 105.00 %
$51 - $1,000 108.00 %
$1,000 and more 110.00 %
Вложился на второй план
e-metal® payment confirmation: Batch 84665822
Paid To: 4730302 (Union-Forex)
Amount: 7.00 US Dollars' worth of Gold
Memo: Deposit to union-forex.org User tigr
From: 4****** (tigr)
Started Aug 30, 2007
Running days 0
Total accounts 9
Total deposited $ 101.00
Total withdraw $ 0.00
Visitors online 18
Members online
Только что открылся,еголд еще не заблокирован
50% daily for 3 days
$5 - $50 45.00 %
$51 - $500 47.00 %
$501 - $5,000 50.00 %
70% daily for 2 days
$7 - $70 60.00 %
$71 - $700 65.00 %
701 - $7,000 70.00 %
Promotion Plan : 140% after 1 days (instant withdraw)
$14 - $140 125.00 %
$141 - $1,400 140.00 %
Monitor Plan : 110% after 1 day
$5 - $50 105.00 %
$51 - $1,000 108.00 %
$1,000 and more 110.00 %
Вложился на второй план
e-metal® payment confirmation: Batch 84665822
Paid To: 4730302 (Union-Forex)
Amount: 7.00 US Dollars' worth of Gold
Memo: Deposit to union-forex.org User tigr
From: 4****** (tigr)
Started Aug 30, 2007
Running days 0
Total accounts 9
Total deposited $ 101.00
Total withdraw $ 0.00
Visitors online 18
Members online