Внимание берегите пароли от ЛИберти!!
Получил я сегодня письмо, с картинками от либерти, текст письма вот такой!!!
З.ы. это уже 3 письмо за неделю
от кого [email protected]
тема Verify Your Account
внутри ссылка перекидывает на http://lebertyreserve.com/en/account/unblock/
если вы увидите такое не вздумайте заполнять поля!!!!
Получил я сегодня письмо, с картинками от либерти, текст письма вот такой!!!
З.ы. это уже 3 письмо за неделю
от кого [email protected]
тема Verify Your Account
Liberty Reserve
Dear Liberty Reserve user,
As you may have noticed, Liberty Reserve's website was offline or undergoing various software upgrades a few weeks ago because of the need to apply some new security updates to the system. Everything is OK now but we need you to confirm your account with us. Please click on the following link and verify your account info by filling the form. This is done because there is a chance that some accounts do not function properly with the newly updated system and we would like to ensure that you are the genuine holder of the account. In case you don't fill all the fields, and an internal system conflict occurs between your account and the root database, your Libert Reserve account will be locked down for an unknown period of time.
We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause.
Please click on the following link to view the form:
Liberty Reserve Support Team
внутри ссылка перекидывает на http://lebertyreserve.com/en/account/unblock/
если вы увидите такое не вздумайте заполнять поля!!!!
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