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[ICO]MIB Coin, Smart Mobile Mining


MIB Coin, Smart Mobile MiningMIB coin is a smartphone-based blockchain network.
Endless possibilities mining with your smartphone. Start mobile mining today!
How It Works?
How do you mine cryptocurrency on smartphones without dedicated expensive equipment?MIB coin cannot mine existing ASIC and GPU methods. It is only available on smartphones.
Benchmark your smartphone and allocate a hash rate.
MIB is designed so that your smartphone is able to withstand the computational complexity
required for mining and protect
your smartphone from overheating and damaging the hardware.It`s possible with one smartphone.Reduced power by 99.24% compared to existing
mining machines.Anyone can mine with a smartphone.
As the success and growth of blockchain-based cryptocurrency have proven, the future will
witness a decentralized, efficient, and comprehensive global ecosystem.
At this juncture, we would like to present MIB Coin, which will provide opportunities to
participate in mining and to connect with more businesses as 'whoever, wherever and
whenever' using mobile device via an innovative SmartX blockchain platform.
MIB Coin's blockchain network is maintained by a smartphone hash.
Assuming a smartphone is working 24 hours a day for a year, it will use approximately $10
worth of electricity. Compared to the power consumption of the existing blockchain miners,
this is a 99.24% improvement, offering greater eco-friendliness, lower cost and higher
This solution will improve mining participation in areas with unstable power production, such
as Central Asia, Africa, South America, and South East Asia. Even in countries where
extensive mining is taking place, the SmartX blockchain network can bring a significant
reduction in the extremely high power consumption rate that often causes social problems,
resulting in social cost savings needed to maintain the blockchain.
The characteristics of the MIB Coin ecosystem are as follows.
First, mining no longer requires expensive hardware, CPU, a graphics card, or dedicated
machines (ASIC or GPU).
More significant opportunities to participate in mining are given to more countries and people
by using smartphones which are already available all over the world in billions.
This means overcoming the technical limitations of moving towards universal ownership and
it is the starting point as well as a necessary and sufficient condition for cryptocurrency to
indeed function as a currency.
Through the substitution of the coin market preoccupied with certain countries with a smart
and generalized mobile environment, the general population distributed in over 100 nations
can now become miners and users. This will create a blockchain that matches its original aim
as a distributed ledger and hence, its value shall be recognized.
Second, the problem of polarization characterized by the concentration on specialized mining
firms or specific nations can be resolved by distributed mining.
Currently, mining activities are heavily skewed towards specific countries only, and such
polarization reduces the functionality of blockchain as well as its value as a currency.
If the mining cost increases and the payback period of investments is further extended, this
means that the maintenance cost of blockchain is on the rise and may result in its collapse in
the long term. Therefore, a better technological solution needs to be provided to maintain a
sustainable network.
Third, mining trend changes are focused on eco-friendly, low-energy based methods with
plans for social contribution.
Here is a simple comparison of the power consumption required for mining.
S9, a miner by Bitmain requires 1,350–1,500 W, and 8-Way GPU by Supermicro requires
800–1,300 W. Conversely, a smartphone requires only 7–10 W resulting in a 99.24%
savings, approximately.
It is no exaggeration to say that a mobile environment would offer the lowest power
consumption among all existing coin mining environments.
Fourth, the SmartX Blockchain Network (SBN) can maintain the network with a low cost.
Some of the features possible with SBN are: issuing a functional token through our platform,
a smart contract that signs contracts between two or more parties and performs a
verification, a mobile money transfer that can withdraw cash from an ATM and transf ermoney via smartphones, access to digital content like games, music and movies, and booking
tickets at over 200 branches.
SBN's opportunities and future value are a result of the following features: it is equipped with
functionality both as a blockchain platform and a subsidiary currency, can create and expand
an ecosystem, share its system and offer a low-cost, highly efficient network.
In any business involving transactions such as currency, bonds, and other financial
services, blockchains and cryptocurrency are expanding its reach under the name of
The technology is expected to provide a new paradigm for various industry trust models, the
potential for innovative changes in business processes, and the way information is share.
However, the introduction of the blockchain and cryptocurrencies, at the institutional level is
still limited, and most of the economic value of the cryptocurrency is limited to transactions
between the cryptocurrencies.
This is due to the early stages of blockchain technology, and the problem and limitations of
converting traditional trading methods into other centralized blockchain transactions.
Perhaps it is because no one has implemented platform application programming interfaces,
such as intuitive user interfaces associated with blockchain and cryptocurrency use.
Beyond these problems and limitations, the MIB can implement a reliable platform
application programming interface.
In addition, MIB is use cryptography currency and tokens through blockchain trading, provide
developers and users with a complete platform to build the tools and business applications
The MIB (Mobile Integrated Blockchain) platform has three main themes;
 Cryptocurrency and Eco-friendly Energy
 Mobile SmartX Blockchain Platform
 A feasible, Sequence-centric blockchain business
Starting in the 21st century, the blockchain technology, which is the foundation of Bitcoin,
Decentralization and Distributed ledger technology, is moving traditional assets and credit
transactionsit to various forms of blockchain trading.
However, under the full agreement and regulation of decentralization, there are still things
that is insufficient and needs to be supplemented.
Technology should take after society.
It is because technology has always been a progressive way of meeting or advancing to the
needs of society.
The same is true of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency.
If we make up the weak points and increase effectiveness, and the advantage is that
contributed more to the expansion of the blockchain and the cryptocurrencies market.
We will introduce the MSXBP based blockchain business and coins, which were not
covered in the primary white paper, in this paper using an intuitive user interface method.
Pre-Sale 03/19~03/25 -35,000,000 5.83%
ICO 06/26~08/25 -50,000,000 -8.33%
Mining Undefined 300,000,000 -50%
Investors - 20,000,000- 3.33%
Capital Reserves-35%
Development Company-35%
Business development-10%33
Advisors - 20,000,000 -3.33%
Team - 10,000,000 -1.67%
MIB Reserve - 70,000,000 -11.67%
Extra Marketing - 95,000,000 -15.84%
Total 600,000,000 100%

Read more here-https://www.mibcoin.io/
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