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Результаты поиска

  1. anfisa1966

    BestInvestment - bestinvestment.bz

    ИНСТАНТ :e-clap: Dear :wink2: $105.00 has been successfully sent to your Perfectmoney account U25....... Transaction batch is 9963854. Thank you for your trust. We do our best to serve you. Best Investment Co. - Investor Satisfaction Guarantee http://bestinvestment.bz :i-yes:
  2. anfisa1966

    Pinkmoney - pinkmoney.biz

    Быстро :appl: Hello :wink2: $72.80 has been successfully sent to your LibertyReserve account U24........ Transaction batch is 101948840. pinkmoney.biz http://pinkmoney.biz :e-clap::appl::thumbsup:
  3. anfisa1966

    Profitable Sunrise - profitablesunrise.com

    Забыл я про праздники ихние :i-yes: Hello :wink2:, Have you read our Terms of Service ? We observe the federal holidays of the United States of America. Interest is paid on all business days except for the federal holidays in the United States of America. 2012 Federal Holidays Monday...
  4. anfisa1966

    Royality 7 - royalty7.com

    Это точно .... выборочно платят мониторам и .... выборочно :dirol:
  5. anfisa1966

    nazafunds - nazafunds.com

    Платит :appl: The amount of 8 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Memo: NazaFunds. Date: 04:16 04.07.12. Batch: 9953156. :e-clap::i-yes::thumbsup:
  6. anfisa1966

    Global Oil Fund - Globaloilfund.com

    1 минута ожидания и ..... :d-thumbup: The amount of 561.1 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Memo: Shopping Cart Payment. Withdraw to :wink2: from www.globaloilfund.com. Date: 23:27 03.07.12. Batch: 9948741. :e-clap::appl::thumbsup:
  7. anfisa1966

    Oil Forex Profits - oilforexprofits.com

    И ШО ни кто ни чего даже не попытался сказать об этом? :eek::wink2: Если это правда ... то ... нет комментариев, а если рисовано ... то зачем? :t-1doh: Тихо пашем платим 1% в день и .... все такое а тут ... килобаксы так легко прошли по стате выплат и .... ни одного комментария :t-1doh: Опять...
  8. anfisa1966

    Profitable Sunrise - profitablesunrise.com

    Good Day, We confirm that we have completed your request for withdrawal of funds from your account. The amount you requested is USD10.00, payment method is Perfect Money, transaction batch number is 9931401 We are doing our best to safely increase your savings and make you a happier person...
  9. anfisa1966

    Vetori - vetori.com

    раз в неделю .... долго ... я мимо :i-yes: профита :thumbsup:
  10. anfisa1966

    Alamina Trust - alaminatrust.com

    Практически одни мониторы ....... + лето = я мимо :i-yes:
  11. anfisa1966

    Pinkmoney - pinkmoney.biz

    депо :money: The amount of 80 USD has been withdrawn from your Perfect Money account. Memo: Shopping Cart Payment. Deposit to pinkmoney.biz Date: 13:58 03.07.12. Batch: 9926875. :e-clap::appl::thumbsup:
  12. anfisa1966

    profitsolutions - profitsolutions.biz

    Депо :money: Dear :wink2: We have successfully received your deposit $100.00 Perfectmoney to 130% After 1 Day. Your Account: U25......... Batch: 9925753 Compound: 0%. Thank you. ProfitSolutions.biz http://profitsolutions.biz :e-clap::appl::thumbsup:
  13. anfisa1966

    hourly-instant - hourly-instant.com

    Конкуренты не дремлють :dirol:
  14. anfisa1966

    hourly-instant - hourly-instant.com

    Исчез однако. Не доступен ... :eek:
  15. anfisa1966


    Админ поел булочку, попил кофя и ... :d-thumbup: Hello :wink2: $105.00 has been successfully sent to your Perfectmoney account U25....... Transaction batch is 9923626. Perfect ROI http://perfectroi.com :e-clap::appl::thumbsup:
  16. anfisa1966

    BestInvestment - bestinvestment.bz

    Dear :money: We have successfully received your deposit $100.00 Perfectmoney to 130% after 1 day. Your Account: U25......... Batch: 9922924 Compound: 0%. Thank you. Best Investment Co. - Investor Satisfaction Guarantee http://bestinvestment.bz :e-clap::appl::thumbsup:
  17. anfisa1966

    Pinkmoney - pinkmoney.biz

    депо :money: Dear :wink2: You have successfully sent a payment from your account U24..... Date: 7/3/2012 8:47 AM Batch: 101816773 Sent To: U4142429 (Pink Money) Amount: $70.00 Memo: Deposit to pinkmoney.biz User Angel Thank you. :e-clap::appl::thumbsup:
  18. anfisa1966


    Ну дай то Бог дай то Бог :i-yes: я за :biggrin2: добавлено через 47 минут стата пошла :i-yes:
  19. anfisa1966


    Зачисление вкладов стату починили .... быстро. :i-yes: Но стата выплат стоит и самих выплат не вижу :rolleyes:
  20. anfisa1966


    Статистика вкладов на главной странице не соответствует статистике ... если нажать на кнопочки внизу проекта. :rolleyes: И ваще стата выплат стоит пока. :i-yes:
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