PROFVEST support
Incoming transaction #981097:
From: U23950836343739
To: U22033448421915
Amount: 331.00 USD
Description: СуперКопилка: taras
Incoming transaction #986915:
From: U23950836343739
To: U25840011431012
Amount: 38.90 USD
Description: СуперКопилка: alienwolf
Best regards,
NixMoney Financial corp.
Incoming transaction #991613:
From: U23950836343739
To: U25840011431012
Amount: 49.99 USD
Description: СуперКопилка: alienwolf
Best regards,
NixMoney Financial corp.
The amount of 49.99 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U11488253->U3502955. Memo: API Payment. СуперКопилка: alienwolf.. Date: 09:19 29.09.21. Batch: 422148505.