А где находятся эти сайты и как подтверждать их просмотр?
Пока не вижу в бэк-офисе такого раздела, обещали с понедельника запустить. Так что следим за обновлениями.
А где находятся эти сайты и как подтверждать их просмотр?
Dear Members
As promised, we have confirmed the details of the system enhancements. As of December 17th, 2012 each member will need to click and view 20 advertisements daily in the "Earn with Adgrid!" feature of your back office. This requirement helps provide maximal exposure to your advertisements and is mandatory in order for you to earn your daily bonus of 0.5%-2.0%.
On another note, the launch of the shopping cart is delayed until January 1, 2013 so that we can make the revisions necessary for ease of use and efficiency.
Additionally, we are also in the process of launching the Mini Cycler, a 2x3 matrix with a $29 entry fee. Invite your friends, family and business associates and earn $200/cycle as well as free re-entry into Mini Cycler. Successful cycling in Mini Cycler will also enter you into Profit Cycler (2x2) in which you will follow your sponsor for an opportunity to earn $480/cycle.
Pre-purchase your position today for $29 and earn from two matrixes concurrently--$200 from Mini Cycler and $480 from Profit Cycler. All you need to do is spread the word.
***Contest Update: Winners please contact admin through your back office to claim your prize.
Best of luck,
вчера закинул 20$ сегодня 30 копеек начислений. это нормально?
Total Amount Earned:
Total Unpaid Balance:
Total Paid Amount:
Total Positions:
Total Shares Purchased:
Total Profit from Shares:
прошёл месяц ,как я в проекте:
не густо...если такими же темпами пойдёт ,то через месяц отобью ,что вложил,перекрещусь и выведу деньги...а где же профит?
не очень понятно :Total Unpaid Balance: $12.94 - что это?не выплаченный баланс...это как понять?
Да, есть такое.сегодня похоже начались начисления %
Hello Everyone,
We are excited to announce the launch of the new Mini Cycler on January 2, 2013 at 12AM EST. As mentioned in previous updates the entrance fee will be $29 with a cycle reward of:
$200 + Re-Entry Into Mini Cycler + Entry Into Profit Cycler (which yields earnings of $480/cycle)
You will follow your Ads Profit Reward sponsor and your downline will follow you in these matrixes, provided you pre-purchase your position. After the official launch of the Mini Cycler, if you have not already pre-purchased your position, your referrals who have paid for entry will be automatically assigned to your upline sponsor.
The one time entry of $29 will generate multiple streams of income in the long term and will bring you the prosperity that you deserve. We wish you a joyful and enriching holiday season!
The Ads Profit Reward Team
сегодня:Total Amount Earned:
Total Unpaid Balance:
Total Amount Earned:
Total Unpaid Balance:
Так там вроде обязаловка просмотреть всего 5 сайтов, хотя глянуть 20 не проблема, можно еще и деньги за это выигратьнадо каждый день рекламу смотреть 20 сайтов
Так там вроде обязаловка просмотреть всего 5 сайтов, хотя глянуть 20 не проблема, можно еще и деньги за это выиграть