Dear Ambis users.
As you might have noticed our site was not available for some time due to the issue at the Data Center. The site came back, but was not stable & went back offline again.
It's stable now, but this downtime caused a few issues - one of them is double & triple payments sent to some users wallets during this time.
As of now instant payments are disabled for the next 48h & we ask all users not to place any new requests until we audit all such cases & make necessary changes to users accounts.
We will NOT process any pending requests for the next 48h until we audit all accounts.
We will notify all users once the audit is complete.
We'd also ask you to report to Ambis support team -
[email protected] all extra payments received from the system during last 10h. We appreciate your cooperation.
Our Live chat will be off for the next 48h due to the reasons described above.
Please, do not spread rumors & false information.
Our team will work hard to fix all issues & we will resume payments in 48h.
Thank you for your patience and we're sorry for any inconveniences this might have caused you.