Я в шоке!
позавчера зарегился! ВКАД НЕДЕЛАЛ! (побоялся че то...)
вчера прислали вот такую нотацию:
We do not understand your indignation and indignation of your self-interest.
All our investors receive payments.
All works instant without our intervention. Charges and payments are all. It is
not necessary to your lie and a dirt to pour out on us.
It concerns also monitors. SQL the monitor. GoldPoll the monitor. And of some
If the client does not have payments let means looks and thinks that he has made
not so. Also reads has attentively undressed FAQ. Or you with the experience
consider monitors that someone will mock for 10$ and to spoil to reputation
right at the beginning?
We demand apologies in our address. Status changes Problem on the status Pays
and as we demand a positive response.
Dear our investors leave positive responses each time when receive payments.
Yours faithfully to you, administration
еще приводят в пример провакационное письмо , типа как у
с подписью Jeff | GoldPoll Team
[email protected]
а затем прилетело второе письмо :
We consider similar voices it is necessary to eradicate right at the beginning
In the previous letter we have answered that all that depends on us we we do.
If the client does not do removal we as to it we can not pay. We have shown that
charges at it are.
We also wish to say that it is not necessary to try to crack and be engaged us
in a deceit from outside clients it already is observed.
We ask all to leave positive responses and to leave responses every day and each
time after reception of payments.
On one monitor you receive 1$ for each 10 positive responses into your account.
As a sign of our gratitude to you. To vote and leave responses it is necessary
on all monitors. To speak not only it is necessary when badly but also when
well. We hope for your understanding. On understanding from outside monitors and
and our clients.
Короче, либо ошиблись в рассылке писем, либо наехали не за что!!!
никаких притензий я им не отсылал и вкладов не делал!