Dear investors,
I am admin of BestSwissBank.Com.
Today we had problems with our site.
Problem occurred because our hosting provider blocked us due to large number of outgoing emails.
We are using H-script and as you might notice it automatically notify about all events: accruals, withdrawals, deposits, registration.
As the number of our investors are growing fast, and we credit accounts with profit each 4 hours, amount of email we were sending this morning reached 10 per minute.
After that our hosing provider temporarily blocked us.
We now completely switched off automatic email notifications and our site access is restored.
We apologize for inconvenience: starting from now you will not be receiving notifications about accruals, deposits and withdrawals. We will leave only registration and password restore notification.
We are also sorry that it took several hours to figure out where problem was - we had to involve hosting provider, H-script authors and communicate between all parties to find a solutions.
Меня, кстати, тоже раздражают многочисленные уведомления H-скрипта.
Вывод я и сам вижу в сообщении от PM.
Тоже самое с депозитом.
emailы об этом от хайпа точно лишние.