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Принимает: BitCoin
Новый проект: Bit Empire Limited
Планы nvestment 0.21% Почасовой (5.04% в день) Навсегда
Минимальный вклад $10
Рефские до 5%
Вывод типа Мгновенно
SSL зашита от Comodo CA Limited
Лицензионный скрипт GoldCoders
DDoS зашита от MNT-ADDOS
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Мой вклад:
Принимает: BitCoin
Новый проект: Bit Empire Limited
Планы nvestment 0.21% Почасовой (5.04% в день) Навсегда
Минимальный вклад $10
Рефские до 5%
Вывод типа Мгновенно
SSL зашита от Comodo CA Limited
Лицензионный скрипт GoldCoders
DDoS зашита от MNT-ADDOS
Перевод с Google:
Bit Empire Limited is quite young company. We do not have decades of experience and the average age of our employees is rarely more than 30 years. However, our friendly team is well equipped to implement financial projects of any size and any complexity.
Most members of Bit Empire Limited technical team are graduates of technological faculties and have long known each other. Close communication and focused interests led us to unite and start a small business, which gradually grows to the level of an international company. In 2014 we bought the first dozen of ASIC miners which began to shape our mining network. Initially we rented a few warehouses in the north of the United Kingdom, where organized data centers and then bought them. During our first year we have connected more than twenty crypto mining farms to our network, today they are scattered throughout the country, and now we prepare for the rapid growth of business.
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Transaction Details ()
ID 9fdc0881476614a534ca508e53806687351fca534ab1d374c6bcfa6dc33cc279
Block No. Unassigned
Coin Bitcoin (BTC, ฿)
Time Sep 12, 2017 at 09:49
Confirmations 0
# of Inputs 4
# of Outputs 2
Sent Value 0.01426970
Fee 0.00011380