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Consumer Alert


Кто-нить тыкал на кнопку Consumer Alert? :) У меня с английским плохо, и гугловский переводчик ничего внятного не показал, но там про хайпы упомянуется поэтому если кому ни лень в общих чертах не напишите что тут написано?
Consumer Alert

Keep your Liberty Reserve funds safe: watch out for these scams and frauds.
Auto-surf, HYIPs (High Yield Investment Program), or Ponzi schemes

"It was easily worth fifteen million bucks to watch me put the thing over!" Charles Ponzi

For more information about "HYIP" or Ponzi schemes, you can read in Wikipedia
Fake Emails purporting to be from Liberty Reserve

1. Never access your Liberty Reserve account by clicking on any link in an email.
2. Never open or view any email attachment that is purported to be from Liberty Reserve.

Con artists and scammers may attempt to send you fake emails which are called phishing attacks. Many times the email will ask you to click a link to log in to Liberty Reserve or open an attachment which may contain a Trojan Horse.

Whenever you log in to Liberty Reserve, make sure that https://www.libertyreserve.com appears in the address bar.

Never assume that if a particular website has the words, "libertyreserve" in its name, for example, "libertyreserve-profit.com", it has anything to do with, or is endorsed by, Liberty Reserve. This is a type of intellectual property fraud where criminals use Liberty Reserve's trademarks without Liberty Reserve's permission.
Auction Fraud

Scammers and fraudsters may take advantage of some customers by offering unusually low prices for goods on various auction sites and entice you to pay them via Liberty Reserve. Please make sure that their reputation is good and keep in mind that they can create accounts and build up their reputations fraudulently.

Auction thieves could also entice you to use a fraudulent escrow service (owned by the scammers) online to create the illusion that your funds are safe until you receive your product. Do not fall for it. You will not receive your product and the escrow service will not answer your emails after you pay them.

Liberty Reserve is not qualified, nor does it have the investigative tools or legal permissions, to conduct criminal or civil investigations of any Liberty Reserve merchant or user. Liberty Reserve's only recourse is to rely on legitimate court orders or arbitrations in order to freeze or close or limit any particular account, except where Liberty Reserve has direct knowledge of malfeasance such as a hacking attempt on its servers or other security violation against Liberty Reserve or its users.

Always use your head when paying others with Liberty Reserve! Please read Liberty Reserve's Terms of Service, and pay particular attention to this section:

2.4.3 User understands and acknowledges that user is aware that Liberty Reserve spends are irrevocable and that user agrees to follow the policy of buyer beware ("Caveat Emptor") when using Liberty Reserve at various merchant sites, especially merchants such as gaming or gambling or "HYIP" and other types of investment or chance games or matrices or Ponzis (pyramid schemes), which are identifiable by their promises of extremely high (more than 1% per day) rates of return, and that should user still wish to deal with such merchants that it is at user's own risk.


Как я понял это что то вроде прав потребителей, а про хайпы там написано что это страшное дело вкладывать деньги туда но высокодоходное)

P.S. Английский плохо знаю очень поэтому могу в чём то ошибаться.
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