Dig Points will resume again tomorrow. Our programmer has been working on the code today, because that section causes very heavy load. He was unable to finish tonight so will continue tomorrow. Our apologies
добавлено через 2 минуты
Sorry you don't hear much from us, but we are working every day, very hard for DigAdz, please understand. This DigAdz will be wonderful for everyone. Please be patient until we move to the new script in late January or early February, we will make DigAdz to be a household name for all of you, thank you for your loyalty & support, we appreciate it very much.
Support tickets will be answered, we have so many. Please use the Forum to look at various questions.
All withdrawals will be honoured, we do them manually for your security, it can take a little time, but we honour all.please understand that we work around the clock for you. The site is not correct, but we keep moving forward for you. All will be well in the next couple of months, we really love that you stay faithful to us, we will not let you down. DigAdz is a great business for the future & we build it for you, our loved members. Please see that we work hard, but we get tired & need to sleep sometimes, also we need to see our families & our children. We work for them too.