Dear partners,
First of all, we would like to say we are deeply sorry for the victims of the attack in Boston this week. We hope all of our North American business partners and families have not been injured by this sad happening.
Earning Alliance has been running smoothly since we first opened to the public, three weeks ago.
Best regards,
Richard Hayden
Goals achieved
Once again, we achieved our goals of having 10 registered representatives and $50k in total investments. Investors from the Philippines, China, South Africa, Malaysya, USA, Lithuania, Russia, Indonesia and Nigeria can now contact representatives in their mother language if they require any help concerning Earning Alliance.
New goals
Instead of putting goals of registered members or total investments, our goals for the next week are to create a skype room for better communication with you and building a page to show proofs of our investment activities.
We believe that communication is very important in any business and having a Skype room where investors can chat to each other and to us will certainly put us closer to you. We expect it to be ready in a few days and will link it in our main page.
We received several commentaries about our trading reports after we included them in our latest newsletter and in order to provide you with even more detailed information, we will setup a page where we will update our trading operations at least once a week. For now, we will post our trading reports for DAX30 and Dow Jones Indexes and will include more funds as we receive the green sign from our brokers and clients.
Market News
Due to the bomb attack in Boston, the stock and bonds market had a huge pitfall this week, the Dow Jones Index lost over 200 points in a matter of hours, breaking many investors around the world following the "up-trend" that was going on for the past few weeks. Fortunately, we have traders monitoring our investments 24/7 to prevent losses caused by unpredictable sources like this. We were able to quickly invert the situation to our favor by changing our strategy, closing our positions and waiting for the market to establish The graph below shows the Dow Jones index price change.
Trading Activity
As we said earlier in this newsletter, last week was very hard for anyone investing in stocks or bonds. Political aspects have a huge power on people's investment feelings; for example, when such attach happens, people become immediately afraid to invest and sell all their positions, making the price decrease very quickly as the demand is almost zero and causing a loss to those who predicted the market was going up based on either graphic or technical analysis. Fortunately, our traders managed to take advantage of the situation by selling our positions and barely operating on the day of the attack. You can see a short recovery from the Dow Jones fund on April 15th/16th, when the market started to pick up but quickly went down again, changing our strategy for the second time.
Paying Status
Earning Alliance has now a paying status at 100% of the monitoring services currently following us. You can see them in our Friends page and vote if you are satisfied with our services. Also, thank you for the positive response on forums and blogs, it feels great to know you are happy as a part ofEarning Alliance!