Новый HYIP открылся 31 марта
Предлагает только 1 план:
12% в течении 12 дней
минимум 1$ максимум 6000$
Выплаты по требованию выплачивают в течении 24 часов
Нет минималки
Рефкомисия 7%
DoC защита сервера
Первым 25 инвесторам предлагался бонус 1$.
Регатся сюда
12% Daily for 12 Days!
7% Referral Commission
Payout is within 24 hours
There are no withdrawal fees or limits.
You can cashout as many times as you want.
All transactions are handled via e-gold
Full D-DoS protection
Dedicated Server
EgoldExcel is a leading global investment manager that provide financial expertise both to the companies, and private investors worldwide. Our goal is providing investors the higher yields than bank deposits while minimising the risks normally associated with higher performing investments. Distinctive feature of our company is the disciplined and structured approach to the property and finance markets. We believe that our unique investment techniques and substantial organisational strengths will make every our investor really wealthier We have successfully combined an established local presence with the resources of a major global network and the discipline of a clear global investment process.
MMG обсуждение
Running days 2
Total accounts 54
Total deposited $ 408.80
Total withdraw $ 28.76
Я вкинул 2$ для проверки. На мониторах платят. Как получу выплату отпишусь
Предлагает только 1 план:
12% в течении 12 дней
минимум 1$ максимум 6000$
Выплаты по требованию выплачивают в течении 24 часов
Нет минималки
Рефкомисия 7%
DoC защита сервера
Первым 25 инвесторам предлагался бонус 1$.
Регатся сюда
12% Daily for 12 Days!
7% Referral Commission
Payout is within 24 hours
There are no withdrawal fees or limits.
You can cashout as many times as you want.
All transactions are handled via e-gold
Full D-DoS protection
Dedicated Server
EgoldExcel is a leading global investment manager that provide financial expertise both to the companies, and private investors worldwide. Our goal is providing investors the higher yields than bank deposits while minimising the risks normally associated with higher performing investments. Distinctive feature of our company is the disciplined and structured approach to the property and finance markets. We believe that our unique investment techniques and substantial organisational strengths will make every our investor really wealthier We have successfully combined an established local presence with the resources of a major global network and the discipline of a clear global investment process.
MMG обсуждение
Running days 2
Total accounts 54
Total deposited $ 408.80
Total withdraw $ 28.76
Я вкинул 2$ для проверки. На мониторах платят. Как получу выплату отпишусь