Что-то при попытке загрузить сайт появляется окошко, с просьбой ввести имя пользователя и пароль, это у всех так?
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The project of India Diamond, after several not pleasant incidents, the database has been some times cracked and almost is completely destroyed(deposit table), has completely reconsidered a policy of protection of a database, investment, insurance, preservation, development of investment business as a whole, and leaves on absolutely new level. We change tariff plans on more stabile and long-term.
We make changes:
- We change a grid of plans
- Have spent debugging
- Have entered new rules for which infringement it will be severe to be punished each broken.
- Have blocked all accounts (read below)
- The program on restoration of accounts was started.
The program on account restoration works, return of contributions and work renewal, for this purpose need the following:
1. To open the contribution on the deposit under new percent, not less than 20 % from last total sum of the contribution on an account
2. To send the letter to support - contribution acknowledgement, yours referral reference, an e-mail, username and contact phone or Skype.
3. To attach to the letter acknowledgement of that that the contribution to the project (a screen of LR or PM account) has been opened
4. If there are a multi accounts to throw off them referral references and mails, for this purpose that we would remove them, otherwise ourselves will find out them and we will block all structure together with the basic account.
5. Your contact data (a cellular telephone, an e-mail, Skype)
After you will send the demand for restoration, in a current of 96 hours the demand will be processed also your money will return to you on an account in the new deposit for new term. Your actions - 1) open new account, choose that plan which at you was earlier 2) bring the new deposit NO LESS than 25 % from your old deposit. After that we in a manual mode add to your new deposit your old deposit, according to the chosen plan. In the working days to you your profit is charged. Withdraw the deposit allowed on the expiration is fast the new deposit according to the plan.
We hope for your understanding and support.
The future is in our hands.
Типа, база данных была взломана и утеряна, вложите еще 25% от суммы старого вклада и вам все вернется и будет счастье...
А на депозите все по нулям...