Why Maestro Capital Group has allocated $5,750.00 to give away as deposit bonuses for the next 24 hours? The bonuses that payable RIGHT AWAY. Here is the reason:
Dear Investor Sou,
This newsletter falls out of our standard weekly schedule, but it couldn’t wait until next Monday as it contains some time sensitive information. The important news you need to know are at the end of the letter.
But first we would like to show recognition for one of the American holidays that is being celebrated in the USA, named “Thanksgiving”. It is basically a holiday of giving thanks.
In most countries as well as United Kingdom Thanksgiving is not being recognized as holiday and not being celebrated, while in USA it is one of the biggest holidays.
Since Maestro Capital Group is an internationally known company we recognize every cultural tradition. Holidays like this are important because many times we get stuck in chasing the life but very often we forget to thank people who are present in our lives, who affect it: friends and relatives, people who we intersect with, our coworkers and business partners and people who help, motivate, inspire and support us.
So, we at Maestro Capital Group would like to take this chance to thank you for being in our lives. Thank you for being our loyal investor. While we might not personally know you yet, we are grateful that you faithfully staying with us and that you present in our and our company’s life.
We would like to thank you for constant support from the moment we have launched and up until now, for all the great feedback and opinions you have shared on forums, monitors and blogs. Without you we wouldn’t be where we are at right now. We also would like to thank you in advance for your future support and trust in us.
We got two reasons to celebrate today: a Holiday of giving “thanks” and second but not least important is our upcoming celebration of the first month online. I am happy to report that we were able to impact hundreds of our members' lives!
As you already know, we at Maestro Capital Group don’t just give empty promises but deliver every word that we promise. And to show our appreciation for your continued support, we came up with the way to demonstrate you our appreciation in action.
To positively influence even more lives we have decided to allocate a $5,750.00 budget to be given as a bonus to our investors for every deposit they make.
Note* ONCE THIS BUDGET FOR BONUS RUNS OUT – NO MORE BONUSES WILL BE ALLOCATED. Live budget update changes are posted to the site every 1 hour.
What do you need to do to receive a slice of $5,750.00? Nothing really different from what you did already. You just keep investing the same way as you did before, but on a top of a very profitable daily interest – you also get Huge 20% BONUS posted to your account 1 hour after your deposit.
Moreover this 20% BONUS can be withdrawn RIGHT AWAY (as soon as you received it). While your investment amount keeps earning its generous daily interest, you can withdraw your bonus and have it in your hands or redistribute it in any plan right from your account balance.
Every deposit made in the NEXT 24 HOURS window on November, 27, 2014 between 16:00 And 28th 16:00 GMT London time will receive BONUS OF 20%, which you can WITHDRAW IMMEDIATELY.
It is great to have you as part of our company. We truly believe that together we can achieve greatest highs.
For many of our investors this is that time of the year when they look back at what the year had brought to them: wisdom and experience, life changes, prosperity and financial freedom. However there are some regrets… regrets of the chances not taken due to procrastination or fear ... regrets for the opportunities that had been missed…
The great thing about life is that it gives us additional chances and additional opportunities. It is very important thought to be able to recognize them, become a winner and not to miss out… again…
We wish you to make to the circle of lucky investors to receive the bonus. Only 23 hours and 59 minutes left. Here is a the countdown timer
Truly yours,
Maestro Capital Group team
P.S. Only 24 hours to receive 20% deposit bonus, only $5,750.00 budget available. Promotion stops as soon as $5,750.00 bonuses were allocated or 24 hour passed – whichever happens first.