Hello Everyone,
We are very proud to announce that our Alexa rating is now under 100,000. This is a big deal to us as making it under this number is directly related to the support that you the investors are giving us. With the many different options you have as investors in the HYIP arena we know you could invest your funds with another site. We truly are thankful that you have decided to put MoneyInSports in your portfolio.
The weekends are slower than the weekdays in most cases as most programs only pay on business days
but we pay 7 days a week and this last weekend we noticed a nice jump in signups, investments and cashouts. This tells us that the word is getting around that not only are we moving toward being one of the top programs for investors, but that people realize and see the value in being able to let their money work for them 7 days a week.
Active investors will have their private picks email sent shortly. Hope everyone has a great week and please continue to post your payments, vote on monitors, and post in our topic in the different forums. Always add your MoneyInSports banners when you can as well to increase your chances of earning 5% with our Affiliate program.
Your continued public support will make sure that MoneyInSports becomes one of the top programs of 2013 and beyond!