3/2/2010 14:15 31235350 U0632701 (Nas Mos Withdraw) + $4.00
кстати, информация к размышлению)) да смены дизайна у проекта айпишник украинский был, после американский))Сегодня на мыло пришла рассылка. Не прошло и полгода, как админ сообщи о ре-дизайне .
Думаю, что автопереводчиками все присутствующие пользоваться могут .
Повеяло каким-то психологческим фен-шуем . Такая подробная ода голубому цвету, честности команды - я впечатлен. Но пока, чисто на всякий случай, зажму депо в потном кулачке посильнее .
Кстати, а раньше была статистика выплат, или это с новым дизайном появилось?
Вообще, чуток на Азиатов (asiainv.com), которые вроде как только-только отправились в Край Вечной Охоты.
Гм.кстати, информация к размышлению)) да смены дизайна у проекта айпишник украинский был, после американский))
А траффик по Алексе - в основном китае-итальянский
Dear Nasmos members!
We have changed the design!
We made a deep restructure of our site because we thought that there should be another interface in order to attract and give the right energy state of mind to our users! The blue that is all around the site has been chosen because Blue is the color of the sky and sea. It is often associated with depth and stability. It symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth, and heaven. Blue is considered beneficial to the mind and body. It slows human metabolism and produces a calming effect. Blue is strongly associated with tranquility and calmness. In heraldry, blue is used to symbolize piety and sincerity. Light blue is associated with health, healing, tranquility, understanding, and softness. Dark blue represents knowledge, power, integrity, and seriousness. And, as you can see, we mixed the light and the dark because we want you be wealthy, healthy and confident in our services!
The site has now 4 main frames, the up one and the 3 columns. This gives the idea of compactness, almost like a design of site that has been online for years! And we intend to be one of them, so why not beginning by being viewed like one? Yes, some of you may say that nowadays the design can be made with money, you just find a designer and he makes it all for you! You are right, but this is not our case! We have our own designer, our own IT team which is with us 24/7. Also, we have put in some images in order to give the site a very lively appearance. Those images were bought with license, we didn't browse for them
Our awesome new design has included in it a completely new option - a page with people who have been paid! We have a feeling that this is something unique in the online investment universe, as we didn't yet see something that could be a match for it! Respecting the same blue color, which means prosperity, the page with paid outs is made very simple, so that everybody could access and use it. You can see also the names of all the user names who have been paid out, so this is the most obvious proof of the fact that we are a real company, paying huge and stable profits to our users!
As you can see, the withdrawal amounts varies from very low to very how, this is another proof to our diversity and our mix of social investors. We hope that you will highly appreciate our effort to make our business transparent and to bring it closer to you! Better design for better profits!
We hope that you will find very appealing this design as it took as a while to have it done. If you have any suggestions, please don't hesitate to let us know. And, also, don't get upset if we didn't include you in the selecting of the website. We wanted to be a surprise for you!
Your Job is our Business