Nobox -

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Новый проект -

Старт: 23/01/2013 21:00 (65 Дней)
получают большую поддержку от форумчан, такие как MMG,talkgold

Платежные системы: LR, PM, STP,EP, bicoin comming soon

Администратор введение:
My name is Karlo Marek, and I earn my living out of the internet for about 10 years, give or take. You might know me from investnote what began as a newsletter service in the year 2010. Later I purchased the domain, and I began blogging and sharing how I do make my living. In mid 2012, I have pointed the domain to my personal Google+ profile. What ended finally up as a Google+ Business Page. I just cherish the communication on G+, but most of all my circle friends are actually a big part of my success. Together we are able to accomplish greater success.

Enough said about the past or what is still developing on Google, lets uncover more about NoBox.

I constantly searched for the online business what is self-sustaining; I learned there is not such thing, on MLM you need to sell and invite people. HYIP and Surfs 'end' sooner or later and even profit share programs what began strong, ending because of the lack of new investments. Of course DDoS attacks, ecurrency problems and server failures are an extra treat to the daily earners. I lived on the investment strategy, early in and out, and the strategy worked for me. Though, there remained the desire to find a self-sustaining program, that which earns money, is fun and don't let us down.

Now Profit Share systems, are wealth builder at the start, but as more people joining, lesser to NO money can be earned. Until the program has been forgotten, or just closed down. There are traffic exchanger, who pay very little or nothing to exchange websites. Sounds great, but either you can't earn any money, or the program close down as soon the daily payouts growing higher as the money coming into the doors.

Now the biggest question is how we could develop a website that which is both, a wealth producer, but self-sustaining.

Great business leaders use to say, think outside the box. However I quickly recognized to make things happen lose the box! Because as soon you look at the box, your mind just try to find ways and ideas based on a box.
No Sponsoring! No MLM! No Network Marketing! No Sales! Self-sustaining!

Traffic Exchange
Manual Surf
No Surf
None Membership
Banner Exchange
Advertise Driven
Affiliate Partners
Sponsored News
Adjustment Friday's
Sponsored Community Hangouts
Profit Revenue Share System

NoBox divides profits to members, 250% of each purchased Revenue Packs.

This is how NoBox does it:

75% of all Membership purchases
90% of all Revenue Pack purchases
90% on all Banner purchases
90% of all Premium Ad purchases
90% of all Text Ads purchases
90% of all Referral commissions gained by Affiliate programs
95% of all Sponsored News
30% of all Cash-Backs

are entering the security-revenue holdback.

So how much money can NoBox guarantee it's members?

250% of Revenue Purchases, with a daily supreme of 2% on Revenue Packs.

* The supreme of 2% is rewarded as long the revenue-security holdback can cover up 2% daily (read more here)

** Adjustment Friday's: Every Friday costs on some advertisement spots will be adjusted, depending on what is sold or not sold. The prices will go up or down. On Adjustment Friday's, the daily return's are not designed to reach the supreme 2%, but can reach anywhere between 0% to 8%. The given amount depends on the total performance over the past 7 days.

3 Unique Memberships!

Free Membership!
No Cost!
Max purchase 200 revenue packs
180% return on the revenue packs
Advertise 1 Website
Receive 1 credits for premium ads
Receive 1 credit for manual surf ads (watch min 10, max 25 ads a day)
Daily Surf required to earn.

NoBox Subscription
$4.99 per month
250% return on the revenue packs
Advertise 10 Websites
Receive 15 credits for premium ads (3 per day)
Receive 5 credits for manual ads (watch min 5, max 50 ads a day)
Daily Surf required

NoSurf Subscription
$6.99 per month
250% return on the revenue packs
Advertise 25 Websites
Говоря воздействия; Globalmartlink опубликован отзыв о "No.1 устойчивого Интернета Share Версия программы с несколькими потоками доходов" NoBox - уникальный и Программы устойчивого дохода Поделиться:

Transaction ID =274893517
Fees (Charged to Recipient) = 1.65
Net Amount = 52.35
Comments = Payment For NoBox-Wallet Fund: 54.00 [DarkForest]
Date and Time = 29 Mar 2013 @21:16 PM

Date2013-03-30 02:00:31
Reference Number: 9ZL4U1-HX3P63-DFB6Q8
Transaction Type: Sent To Store
Name/[email protected]
Transaction StatusCompleted
DetailsNoBox-Wallet Fund: 19.77 [DarkForest] (#18)

Ознакомиться с проектом >>>

добавлено через 2 часа 25 минут

Transaction ID: #3920830
Date: Mar 29th, 2013 @ 11:55 pm
Amount: $0.34
Processor: EgoPay
Notes: Earned 1.80% on Revenue Pack #233090

Thank You,
Transaction ID: #3920829
Date: Mar 29th, 2013 @ 11:55 pm
Amount: $0.81
Processor: Solid Trust Pay
Notes: Earned 1.80% on Revenue Pack #233089

Thank You,
Последнее редактирование:


"Don't think outside the box...Think like there is No Box."
Очень понравился их слоган. :lol:
Правда, его смысла я так и не понял. Может, кто объяснит?


"Don't think outside the box...Think like there is No Box."
Очень понравился их слоган. :lol:
Правда, его смысла я так и не понял. Может, кто объяснит?

Не ограничивайте себя... Представьте, что нет границ.


Модератор форума о бизнесе в интернете
Команда форума
Конкретно бы по планам.... Распишите планы поподробнее и на русском


Несвежий какой-то.

если вы будете следовать разработку сайта с самого начала, вы увидите это только на начальных этапах разработки сайта
Вы можете обратиться к о nobox на форумах: MMG, talkgold
Обновления от администратора:
Bitcoin, Adjustment Day

Hello Friends,

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination. - Jimmy Dean

I like this quote, as it sums up what we do with Adjustment Friday's. Oh yes, it's Adjustment Day!

Bitcoin is already functioning in our script, but the programmers from Shadowscripts advice me to enable the features after they give me an official green light. Sadly this will be after Eastern. What is ok, as most of you might enjoy the holidays.

We are almost ready, and we will have the coolest Bitcoin system the world has seen. Trust me, no one is waiting for our own Bitcoin functions more as I do.

Coming back to Adjusting The Sails To Reach The Destination. I honestly like this quote!

Even we are still waiting for Bitcoin.. I went ahead with some trading on Bitcoin-24 and had incredible results. Of course, when I started trading the Bitcoin was $46, and I have sold some coins for $93!

Remember last week I mentioned the increase from $46 to $75. Now just one week later, we see the coins worth $93!

However, I have the feeling we will see some dip, likely over the Easter Holidays, simply fewer traders will be around, and the price went up too fast these last few weeks. I expecting some fall and want to be prepared to do some trading purchases when this happen. Therefore, I made an adjustment call and prepared a little lower Adjustment Return. Using the rest for a possible dip purchase of Coins.

I will Adjust profits, or the money surplus in next weeks Adjustment Day. I know people are always excited when the returns are higher, but I am planing on the long term, not on pleasing with returns on Adjustment day.

None Members 1.5%
Members 1.8%

We would have a higher return this week, but I am using the extra for potential Trading purchases of Bitcoins. We will adjust the returns on next weeks Adjustment Day.

Many of my readers on investnote have realised how powerful the Bitcoin is. I believe we see the coin dropping these days and bouncing to an all new high by the end of next week.

Of course, it will be more exciting once we have our own trading platform. However, we have to wait. Sadly I am not a programmer. I have beta tested the Bitcoin system inside NoBox, and it worked, actually it was fantastic. So it can't be long until we unleash the beast!

As thrilled this makes me, I understand the security is crucial, and the script must be calculating without any problems. The Coins also need to have the actual price during purchase and withdrawals.

I am excited, and I know NoBox will have an entirely new income stream once Bitcoin is functioning.
This is one of the Key Extensions of my Extension and Exit Strategy!

Just imagine not only deposits and withdrawals of ads and revenue packs. But a trading and exchange feature. Shopping environment, an Auction, and cash-back feature.. Bitcoin will make an impact, and so will NoBox to the Market.

Talking of Impact; Globalmartlink published a review about "The Internet's No.1 Sustainable Rev Share Program With Multiple Income Streams" NoBox – A Unique and Sustainable Revenue Share Program:

NoBox getting noticed! We have reached 3200 Members without spending a dollar on Ads. Therefore, I want to thank all of my members and bloggers who helped getting NoBox the attention it deserves. Expect some extra rewards once the trading system is online. Regardless if, you helped with purchasing of revenue packs, or with referring Members to NoBox.

Regards, Karlo

P.S. Help me transforming NoBox from revenue share to a powerhouse business. In return, I make sure you build wealth for yourself and your family.

добавлено через 14 часов 0 минут
Transaction ID: #3923472
Date: Mar 30th, 2013 @ 11:55 pm
Amount: $0.90
Processor: Solid Trust Pay
Notes: Earned 2.00% on Revenue Pack #233089
Transaction ID: #3923473
Date: Mar 30th, 2013 @ 11:55 pm
Amount: $0.38
Processor: EgoPay
Notes: Earned 2.00% on Revenue Pack #233090
Последнее редактирование:


Этот хайп также представлен в новом разделе монитор в проекте MTV
Админ энтузиаст


Я хоть и знаю более-менее английский - все равно ни фига не понял как работает этот проект. Проясните кто понял пожалуйста...


ТС форум вроде русский, потрудитесь перевести текст.


Некоторое время наблюдаю за развитием данной программы, которую рекомендовал Jo, админ MTV. Как по мне - обычный HYIP с элементами рекламы. Сейчас наплодилось таковых масса. Скрипт такой же как был в почивших 12profifance, sureinv, barkeley. На вопрос админу программы о развитии проекта и дальнейшим набором стандартных вопросов получил короткий ответ: следите за новостями. Емко и не уместно.
Зарегистрировался и начал читать новости. Вот, скажем так, более-менее подробное описание чем занимается проект (моё мнение неизменно - обычный HYIP):
NoBox собирает направления бизнеса в Интернете, в которые не ступала нога человека.
Опубликовано 11 февраля 2013. Почему NoBox не является инвестиционной программой или серфингом, почему NoBox - это ваше оперирование богатством строителя!
Начнем с того, что вы уже знаете, что NoBox продает доходные пакеты. Один пакет доходов равен $ 1, и минимум 5 упаковок доходов должны быть куплены за один раз. Каждый пакет доходов приносит доход его владельцу. Если у вас есть только пакеты доходов, нужно смотреть ежедневные объявления, используя наши функции просмотра объявлений (Rotator). Владельцы пакета доходов должны смотреть 3 Premium и 10 Surf-объявлений каждый день, чтобы претендовать на доход в следующий день. Доход, как правило, 2% в день, если на счете достаточно денежных средств. Каждая пятница является днём корректировки, когда вы можете заработать где-то между 0-8 %. Заработок основан на нашей еженедельной производительности. Узнать больше: Владельцы доходов обновления без членства получают более низкую рентабельность, чем держатели Регулировки в каждую пятницу. Кроме того пакеты доходов без расслоения получают меньше баллов во время распределения прибыли, и его владелец имеет право рекламировать только одну страницу в Surf Rotator. Пакет доходов истекает когда участники получают 180% ROI, другими словами, как только они получили в общей прибыли 80% в качестве основного дохода. Участник, независимо от того, есть у него серфинг или пакет может получать 250% дохода, что приходит ему колоссальные 150% чистой прибыли. В каждую регулировку в пятницу члены получают более высокую доходность, чем участники, не являющимися членами общества, в дальнейшем они будут тратить больше кредитов в целях содействия серфинга веб-сайтов. Пользователи также должны смотреть только 3 Premium объявления и 5 Regular Реклама Surf, чтобы получить ежедневный доход. Конечно, владельцы NoSurf обновления не требуется смотреть любые объявления. Иными словами, переход на любой из двух вариантов членства, оплачивает его сам! В данный момент , выручка на уровне 180/250%. Доходы, полученные из различных источников, таких как реклама, баннеры, членство продаются и т.д. Команда мониторинга присоединится к NoBox в ближайшее время. Это создает дополнительный доход. Кроме того, существует ещё другое! NoBox вскоре получит сценарий аукциона! Каждый день за наибольшую цену, получит баннер положение. Каждая ставка должна быть по крайней мере 10% выше, чем предыдущие ставки. Аукцион будет предлагаться на срок до 30 дней. Каждая ставка вычитается непосредственно из вашего баланса. Если вы потеряете ставку, вы будете получать 101% от суммы, которую вы предлагали на предстоящей Регулировке в пятницу. Иными словами, даже вы не выиграете баннер, вы заработаете деньги. Кроме того в аукционом модуле будут опубликованы в правой колонке области членов. Шесть баннеров (фиксированные) будут опубликованы одновременно. Баннеры будут опубликованы до тех пор, пока никто их не перекупит! Высшая ставка делается, когда кто-то платит сумму (ставку) больше. С устойчивым ростом возможностей, NoBox система будет получать больше денежных потоков, а также жизнь проекта увеличивается. Теперь вы знаете, несколько особенностей.
Не стал сильно вдаваться в логику перевода, мне сам перевод неинтересен. Что там говорит этот Карло про инновации - вы что-то заметили? Но, как бы там этот Карло мозг не пудрил нам своим словесным поносом - это обычный хайп. И условия - это от 0 до 8%. На усмотрение самого "папы" Карло...


В общем - решил немного профинансировать покупку "пакетов". Результаты буду выкладывать. Обратите внимание, что в данном скрипте сначала вносите деньги на счет - потом за эти же деньги (с баланса) покупаете pack.


  • Pay in NoBox.jpg
    Pay in NoBox.jpg
    44.3 KB · Просмотры: 313


Transaction ID: #2245185
Completed: Apr 5th, 2013 @ 01:37 am
Amount: $2.65
Fees: $0.05
Net Amount: $2.60
Processor: Solid Trust Pay
Processor Account:
Notes: Manual Cashout Request

Hey, just wanted to inform you, a cashout request on your NoBox account has been compleated.
Below are the transaction details.

Transaction ID: #2245184
Completed: Apr 5th, 2013 @ 01:37 am
Amount: $2.20
Fees: $0.04
Net Amount: $2.16
Processor: EgoPay


Муть какая то , да и диз не очень . Мимо


Немного попереписывался с админом Карло. Попросил его зарегистрироваться на mmgp и проводить хотя бы тематическое общение с пользователями. Отказался ввиду незнания русского. Собственно - это уже и не важно. Если кто-то хочет задать вопрос админу - вот его почта [email protected].
Сегодня купил себе "членство" за $6.99 в месяц. Доход в день не 2%, как предлагает первый уровень участия в проекте, а уже 2,4%. Сегодня же утром начислили 2%, но выводить не стал, так как комиссия EgoPay "съест" всю сумму. Решил на следующей неделе добавить депозит еще $200, тогда и буду выводить.
Собственно - сложного ничего нет, но даже чтобы получать доход в 2% в день - надо "серфить" с выставлением рейтинга как минимум 10 предложенным сайтам. Так как из разряда наблюдающих я переехал в тему заинтересованных - задавайте вопрос, вдруг чем помогу. Не хочу сказать что у проекта светлое будущее, но если "папа Карло" решит все-таки вводить новые функции программе, такие как аукцион, например, она станет гораздо популярнее. Также "папа Карло" объявил о том, что с мая месяца доходы от участия в программе будут прямо пропорциональны участию в ней. Что ж, приглядимся.


Я получил письмо от администратора:
Adjustment Day, Alexa Grow
Hello Friends,

I receive a couple of emails from members who are wondering if we grow to fast. Alexa is getting crazy.. we growing super fast..

Now let me start with a little story. When I started NoBox I received a lot emails from members who were concerned because I did not promote. We will not grow..

I have answered NoBox has a plan, and I won't spend money on monitors, blogs or ads. Members will feel the power of NoBox and start advertising and referring others.

Now just three months later suddenly we grow to fast? It is still the same plan. Not to pay for ads, and healthy member to member referral grow.

As longer NoBox is online, more features will be introduced, the ROI will be lowered on future revenue packs etc. It's what I call the Extension and Exit Strategy. Remember we make money with Ads and soon we will have the Auction and the Shop. A terrific Alexa is helping NoBox to become the powerhouse business it was thought to be.

We are right on track. Remember my plans? From May, we will reduce the ROI on future revenue pack sales. At the same time, we will have the Shop and Exchange facility online. The business will generate money, and the banner auction, new banner locations, the video watch engine and PTC will produce more revenue when we have members and a whopping Alexa Rank.

Bitcoin, where is it? I know! I am asking myself the same question! I was promised a few times the script is ready on a specific day. However, it seems it's more work or harder to do as Shadowscripts anticipated it to be. However, even I am excited about Bitcoin, it need to be safe and accurate. So even I want to push the programmers, I just let them accomplish the Job, and I keep asking them daily (;

However, NoBox presents Bitcoin real soon. Once Bitcoin is online we have one of the key powerhouse income streams.

I am sure the MLM and Online opportunity world will use Bitcoins in the future. It will become the new currency of the industry. A currency what can increase in value. Double gamble if you like. Untraceable, but reliable. The dream of every administrator, investor and nightmare of government institutions. We will be THE exchange hub! NoBox will make withdrawals, exchange and trades as easy as 1,2,3. Being the Powerhouse no one can refuse as the prices will be unbeatable, and it certainly not hurt to be first on the market. With Members who trading themselves. Oh I could go on, but if I do, you would get over excited.

I have traded and just watched the Bitcoin grow. Up to $145, and trading as I write this by $137. Even greater, just a few hours ago I secured some Bitcoins for $130. The movements in both directions with an ultimate up every 48 hours, makes the trading a real blessing, and helps our security holdback to increase. The price is on the way up again, and keep generating us more money.

Talking of additional rewards, the security holdback is prepared to pay a little extra on the upcoming Adjustment Friday rewards.

None Members 2.0%
Members 2.4%

Even we still wait for our own trading engine. I made some neat profits on Bitcoins, and keep increasing our security holdback.

April is phenomenal so far. Bitcoin is growing and earning us extra income streams. Our own Coin system is hopefully ready soon, and our Alexa is growing. What will increase the revenue on ads and the power of our soon to be launched exchange, trading and shopping ecosystem.

This ensures the plan on reducing the ROI on future sales of revenue packs in May, and at the same time selling more ads and having more advertising options. Shop, and Member to Member Exchange and Trading are timed at the same time, ensuring the Extension and Exit Strategy to work.

Be part of NoBox's revenue share, and help me transforming NoBox to become powerhouse it is meant to be.

Regards, Karlo

P.S. NoBox has an Extension and Exit Strategy, from 01.05.2013 future sales of Revenue Packs earn only 220%. Every Revenue Pack purchased before this day, earns 250%.


Получил первую выплату проекта. Срок оплаты - сутки. Существует комиссия с EgoPay на снятие - 2 %. Немного странно, задал на эту тему вопрос админу. Тот ответил, что в условиях проекта есть такие условия. Не нашел на сайте. Ну, Бог с ним. Купил за $6.99 пак в месяц, думал, что это приведет к возрастанию суточного заработка. Ничего подобного. Как оказывается - сначала покупаешь активный пак, там есть две ценовые категории, а потом вводишь депозит и только тогда будут не 2 % сутки, а 2,4 %. Намудрил конечно "папа Карло" с проектом. Да так намудрил, что видать и сам не понял куда дальше двигаться. Ну - первую выплату получил, что подтверждает, что проект платит:

Date2013-04-09 07:37:44
Reference Number Q9PFUE-4X2WF3-V9AUK1
Transaction Type: (api) Received from
Name/[email protected]
Transaction Status Completed
DetailsCashout #2246109

Хочу добавить, что если всё свершится как админ планирует - проект обещает быть неплохим. Вот тогда и будут здесь элементы МЛМ (когда будет рекламный аукцион).
Последнее редактирование:


Я получил письмо от администратора:
Bitcoin Ready, are you?
Today I like to introduce Bitcoin! Yes, our programmers have done it, and NoBox is finally able to provide Bitcoin Deposits and Withdrawals. This is the next step forward in the Extension and Exit Strategy, and there is more to it.

Let's start with the price of Bitcoins. If you use Bitcoin to deposit or withdraw on NoBox, you will receive the live exchange rate of Mt.Gox.

Deposits are credited as soon the Bitcoin system shows 3 confirmations. Therefore please do not send a ticket when your deposit shows not up in your back office. The transaction will be credited the second 3 confirmations hitting the Bitcoin Wallet. This is normal for any Bitcoin shop or any business using Bitcoins.

The Member to Member Exchange and Trading feature will be the next Extension of the NoBox environment. I expect this feature to be online before the first of May. At the same time, the ROI on future sales of Revenue packs will be lowered to 120% for none Members and 220% for Members. Again, this change is for future sales and does not effect already purchased Packs.

I did a lot of Bitcoin trading these past few weeks, and this business is extremely rewarding. Of course, it not hurt that the Bitcoins are now worth $230, and when I started trading the Bitcoin price was under $50. However, the best part is the Coin price not just jumped up, but moving up and down during the day. So holding might be good, but trading even generates more revenue.

To introduce Bitcoin to the NoBox community, I decided to give a 10% revenue pack purchasing bonus. This 10% are for purchasing any packs using any currency of your choice. However, since the exchange to Bitcoin is impossible or extremely difficult in STP and extremely expensive in Egopay, I limit the deposits on both of these currencies. With Solidtrustpay, you can purchase a maximum of 500 Revenue Packs a day, and with Egopay the Maximum is lowered to 2500 packs per day and member. Liberty Reserve, Perfect Money and Bitcoin have no limitations on Pack Purchases.

The Bonus will be automatically added to your purchase of packs, just as the last time during the Valentine Special. The Bonus round is added from now, until April 20, 2013.

This bonus round should give us some Bitcoin advantage, and attract Bitcoin users who might never joined any surf or revenue share page in the past. In other words, we open the door to an whole new industry.

Furthermore, once the Members to Members trading features are online Solidtrustpay can not be used for any trades and exchanges. Egopay will be part of the Members to Members exchange mechanism. You can use all currencies in the shopping environment, what will be the next step after the Member to Member Trading engine is installed.

As you can see, NoBox is moving forward. With Bitcoin, we will open doors for Shops, new Advertising partners and of course it gives me an additional way of generating money for the revenue holdback.

Help me to transform NoBox from a revenue share engine to a powerhouse business. In return, I make sure you create wealth for yourself and your family.

Regards, Karlo

P.S. You might be interested reading this article:
Update on NoBox - The Revenue Share Powerhouse


Я получил письмо от администратора:
Bitcoin Craziness, Adjustment Day
Hello Friends and Business Partners,

Wow, what a crazy week. When I introduced Bitcoin it should have been a joyful ride, with rainbows and wealth building during the time I sleep.

Well the world is sometimes more complicated, and the Bitcoin is no exception. The Bitcoin gained for weeks, and crashed just hours after we have allowed deposits. Now this sounds bad, and I won't sweet-talk about it, it is not best case scenario.

Yet, I mentioned two weeks ago already that I expect this to happen. Not this hard, but I expected it. Thanks to selling and buying, and selling and buying again… and playing the Markets I managed to get us out of this mess with almost no lost, pretty much a break even, and we have bitcoins what we have purchased at $60, with the price up again by around $90, and hopefully stabilising or rising at this level. In other words, we have managed a break even with the Bitcoin trading of last week, and an overall profit on all Bitcoin trading so far.

We can't complain at all since we started trading with Bitcoins during the time the coin was by $47. What means it is still valued almost double the amount as the first purchase. We are in profits! However, it would have been much nicer if these last few days were less crazy. I keep using the craziness to our advantage. At the end of the day, the movements are what generates money on the market. After all the markets have been corrected and the Bitcoin need to move up and down. Movements make us money! However, now after the market correction, they should be more healthy.

Moving on to the next topic, Adjustment Friday. Yes, another week, and we managed to stay on top of the 2%.

None Members 2%
Members 2.2%

Not bad, if you consider the Bitcoin was a disaster roller costing ride. I still believe, Bitcoin had a correction, and we will see it more stabile and slightly higher as it is right now. Thanks to movements on the market, we can use this to our profit advantage. My headaches, you just enjoy the ride (;

We still have the 10% promotion up until April 20, 2013. So if, you believe in me and NoBox, feel free to help me transforming NoBox from a revenue share website, to a powerhouse business. In return, I create wealth for you and your family.

Regards, Karlo

P.S. If you want to join the Bitcoin craziness, or you might have an own website, what consider accepting Bitcoins, you can sign up on SimpleBTC. SimpleBTC was created with the admin in mind, and Shadowscripts did a phenomenal job making masspay, SCI and API possible for every webmaster out there. This is not a NoBox project, but was created for NoBox, and we are able to make some profits on every transaction SimpleBTC is making.


Transaction ID: #2248820
Completed: Apr 16th, 2013 @ 01:33 am
Amount: $1.98
Fees: $0.04
Net Amount: $1.94
Processor: Solid Trust Pay
Processor Account:
Notes: Manual Cashout Request

Transaction ID: #2248926
Completed: Apr 16th, 2013 @ 01:34 am
Amount: $2.27
Fees: $0.05
Net Amount: $2.22
Processor: EgoPay
Processor Account:
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