Народ, хелп ме. На вопрос "Где деньги?" пишут:
We want to pay you now
Sir we can not currently send money with direct. transfer we need to
make it a secure transfer.
For us to be able to pay you follow this steps.
1. Login to your Liberty Reserve Account.
2. Click On Merchant Tools
3. Click On Create new API
4. FIll the form *API Name
ROFITABLE22, *Security Word: PROFITABLE22 and also remember to check
on "Enabled" and also Transfer "Enabled".
AFTER DOING THIS REPLY US with your lr and notify us you have done it
By sending us this, it will help us to transfer you fund to you securely.
Я так понимаю это для вывода у меня денег или я ошибаюсь?