Re: psgp -
Кому интересно, я им для смеха вопросы закинул по поводу идентичности с Тетрой. Вот ответ:
Dear Serg.
My name is Peter Abruzzi, I'm Customer representative here at PSGP.
Our apologies for not having available representative available in live support, most likely he was helping someone else in the chat.
As goes for "TETRAMETALS" unfortunately I'm not aware what exactly is tetrametals, or what design they had. I'll pass this along to my manager. He'll be able to provide you more details on this. I would say "TETRAMETALS" have copied our design, since we have been running since march of 2010 privately, we haven't changed our design and most of the plans since (apart the promotional plan, which was implemented just because we're going public).
Please let me know if there is anything else we can help you with.
Thank You,
Best Regards,
Peter Abruzzi
Смысл, коротко, в том, что это Тетраметалс содрали их диз и планы, поскольку сами они трудятся в поте лица аж с марта 2010.
Ну, слава Богу, а то я уже весь испереживался