Так же, решил читануть)))Значит делали несколько аккаунтов.
Акки suspended. Внимание! Правила нарушены, деньги НЕ возвращены!
Don't creat more than one account try to cheat our program! Anyone found to have more than one account for the purpose of self-referring or RCB cheating (creating many different accounts under one single RCB monitor) will have their entire funds frozen. Members of the same household sharing the same IP, also spouses or relatives in the same home, are free to join, but their accounts should not be related (referred) with each other and they should not join under RCB monitoring sites.
Вместо frozen надо было бы писать stolen наверно? Админу писал- админ молчок. Скрины, подтверждающие то, что средства не вернулись.
Черт его знает, русский он или нет- ну напишу на англ ему)))
Admin, hi. Yesterday you was suspend both of my account. I was wrote for you twice, but I received no response from you. And this was the reason for this letter. I hope in next your project you will allow multiaccounts
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