When ordering payment I mistakenly sent a request to the bank (today, February 19, 2013) , but the bank details of nowhere indicated. Can I return the payment to Ballance? Or send me payment as in the previous to LR?
При заказе платежа я ошибочно отправила запрос на банк, но реквизиты банка нигде не указывала. Можно ли вернуть платеж на балланс?
Support Team
Our sincere apologies for this minor technical issue. The issue took place on only few user accounts and it relates to our most resent software upgrade, which was done to accommodate newly introduced payment options.
There is nothing you need to do on your end and if not already, your account will be updated with correct records and your payouts will be processed as intended.
Коротко: Эта техническая проблема возникла у нескольких аккаунтов при переходе на новые условия платежей. Ничего не делайте, деньги будут начисляться в дальнейшем нормально.