вот такая простынка вышла за прошедший день
Новый депчик
20.04.15 21:13 Transfer Sent Payment:
500.00 USD to account U8792604 from U694хххх. Batch: 87403551. Memo: Shopping Cart Payment. Startup-Exchange депозит.
еще один депчик
20.04.15 17:48 Transfer Sent Payment:
35.00 USD to account U8792604 from U694хххх. Batch: 87381202. Memo: Shopping Cart Payment. Startup-Exchange депозит.
завершение 3 круга
20.04.15 19:27 Receive Received Payment
400.00 USDfrom account U8792604 to account U694ХХХХ. Batch: 87391946. Memo: API Payment. Startup-Exchange Payment.
20.04.15 19:27 Receive Received Payment
36.00 USD from account U8792604 to account U694ХХХХ. Batch: 87391943. Memo: API Payment. Startup-Exchange Payment.
20.04.15 22:39 Receive Received Payment
10.5 USD from account U8792604 to account U694ХХХХ. Batch: 87409789. Memo: API Payment. Startup-Exchange Payment.
20.04.15 08:56 Receive Received Payment
7.00 USD from account U8792604 to account U694хххх. Batch: 87327899. Memo: API Payment. Startup-Exchange Payment.
и еще немного процентиков
20.04.15 10:51 Receive Received Payment
19.5 USD from account U8792604 to account U69ххххх. Batch: 87348711. Memo: API Payment. Startup-Exchange Payment.
мне кажется или прямо на наших глазах рождается новая легенда?