админ закрывает проект
Hello tigr
Greetings members,
I would like to thank all of those who have Supported SwithToBit.com.
Unfortunately STB is a doomed program due to low interest from people in the Hyip Community. I guess Its not quite time for everyone to SwitchToBit.
At the current rate of deposits STB will produce far more losers than winners, so I have decided to CLOSE the program and Refund all Members back to Break Even.
This comes as a great loss to me personally. Over 2k but I cannot ask others to pay for my failed experiment.
We have closed STB to new deposits.
Here is how the refunds will be handled:
We are auditing each account and subtracting any referral commissions that you have been paid so no one person will have earned any profit.
Next we will release your active investment so you can request a withdrawal.
Once you have requested withdrawal and your withdrawal has been processed you will have been paid the same amount that you originally deposited.
All accounts with active deposits are currently disabled so we can complete the audit.This should be completed within a few Hours of you receiving this Email.
Once the audit is completed you can log in and request your final Withdrawal.
STB will remain online CLOSED to Deposits but OPEN for Withdrawals for a few more days.
The only Winners in this program are the Monitors as they needed to be paid for their services.
Best Wishes,
Alan Hancock