Интересный ход, депозит на три дня, но внутри в аккаунте показываются текущие начисления
Date: May 06, 2010 3:43:50 PM
Amount Sent: $2.50 USD
Sender Name: wen ge
Sender Email: [email protected]
Reference Number: C59EA-486FF-45DEF
Message: 2010-05-06 22:25:02
Date: 2010-06-05 18:19:56
Batch: 37376366
From Account: U0345179
Amount: $0.75
Memo: Withdrawal from Techno Funds Investments
Dear member,
We had to stop the instant withdrawl system for a moment, we are going to update because we found a seriues bug in the instant withdrawl system.
Now we are losing your money.
The instant withdrawl system will come back later today after few updates and extra security protections.
Untill that time we are paying manuelly every hour.
Kind Regards,
Admin TechnoFunds.com