3/6/2010 01:11 31670586 U1198739 (TopFinancial) + $3.46
3/6/2010 01:11 31670586 U1198739 (TopFinancial) + $3.46
API 3/5/2010 19:52
Batch#: 31651617
Account: U1198739 (TopFinancial)
Amount: +$0.25
Memo: Withdrawal from TopFinancial Account
API 3/6/2010 01:11
Batch#: 31670626
Account: U1198739 (TopFinancial)
Amount: +$0.25
Memo: Withdrawal from TopFinancial Account
05.03.10 19:15 Receive Received Payment 1.99 USD from account U2172082 to account U1665XXX. Batch: 2430443. Memo: API Payment. Withdrawal from TopFinancial Account.
В общей сумме 4.54$.06.03.10 00:30 Receive Received Payment 2.05 USD from account U2172082 to account U1665XXX. Batch: 2432514. Memo: API Payment. Withdrawal from TopFinancial Account.