Интересная беседа состоялась с ПР консультантом в чате ну или с кем-то либо, или с чем-то там еще)
Сорри за мой английский))
22:59 can you explain what is the diferent of the Plan 2 and Plan 7
22:59 Plan 7 is a VIP plan.
Now in VIP plan compounding 100%. So you get all in the end of the period.
23:01 1271895.37$???
23:02 In Plan 2 you can withdraw daily. If calculator showing it's right.
23:02 10.000 for a 75 days will be 1271895.37$?
it is possible?
sorry 1.000
23:03 Yes it is possible.
23:04 sorry, but with 1000 in two months 1271895.37$?, how can be possible?
23:05 Firs of all our company avoid costs that must pay that companies which are not registered in offshore or can notmake operations online. Besides we use most profitable ways of income which we can change and improve. Also we develop with time and looking for new methods which help get profit as it like a new business.
23:06 ok, but one million $ in 2,5 months it is very ... how people can believe ?
23:08 Because we pay all the time we online. Also officially registered, have office.
23:10 and anyone takes 750 % profit?
23:11 Unfortunately I don't have access to such data. Only if investor shows their profit on forums you can look and find.
23:13 where is your office now?
23:15 In UK.
23:15 in london?
23:15 Yes in London.
Company Address: 1st Floor, 2 Woodberry Grove, Finchley, London, N12 0DR, ENGLAND.
23:17 ok, how can Ifind you. I want to talk with you
ok. thank you
23:17 Bye.
23:18 bye
короче кто хочет стать миллионером, просто надо достать 1.000$))
добавлено через 9 минут
выходит вы были правы, хотя компаундинг стоит по умолчанию на 0 %
И как думаете стоит попробовать стать миллионером:
хотя я тоже спросил на сайте там компаундинг 100% ... просто 1000$ которые хочу влодить кредитные будут мои
стоил ли пробовать-рисковать?
добавлено через 10 минут
вот моя переписка там с их предстовителем на сайте
I wanted to learn about the plan 10% for 75 days, if I invest $ 1000 you'll get every day and take 10%, or only after 75 days?
Only after 75 days.
in calculetor worh compounding 0% is that so? or when you make a contribution will be 100%?
It will be 100%
in calculator =1271895.37$ you can right after 75 days to pay the full amount for Perfect Money?
That is right. But in the VIP plan you can't get the full amount of such profit at one time.
Only $10 000 or PM 10 000 per day.
then after 75 days you will I pay for every $ 10,000. 1271895.37 $ / 10 000 $ = 127 days ... within 127 days will be every day without delay to pay for 10,000$?
а почему только по 10 000$ ежедневно а не по 30 000$ - 50 000$?
Это тот оборот, на который мы можем при нынешних показателях рассчитывать. Те условия, которые реально выполнить.
добавлено через 17 минут
и в заключении:
and what evidence that you do not invest and pyramid project and where it does not invest in words?
You simply can't run pyramid such long time, for example. But mostly this is believing. Because making company pelublicly makes it obligated to involve government into business.
добавлено через 18 минут
Кто в миллионеры?