Ответ: WLInvestments Inc, Co, Ltd.-wlinv.net
Было вложено deposit 16/09/2009 ~ 20$
платил исправно каждый день по $0.32
10/16/2009 05:30 21114491 U4383898 (WLInvestments Inc, Co, Ltd) + $0.32
Это последняя выплата получается за место обещанных 100 дней платил всего лишь 30 и перестал платить с 16 числа, даже половину не выплатили
добавлено через 9 минут
и вот что мне ответил сапорт на мой вопрос где выплаты
As per company's new policy (applicable from 20th October 2009), only investors who have followed the instructions "Please include your email address in the memo while making deposit". However, we didn't had your email address and thereofre your payments were temporarily suspended.
I am :
You have paid only 30 days, but in rules will be written that % 100 days will be added
In order to receive all pending payments and to resume payments to your account, kindly -
Send an email to
[email protected] providing details of your deposit ( like ecurrency account number, batch number, date and time of deposit and amount). That would be sufficient enough to make all due payments immediately.
похоже долго не протянет начались какие то сборы информации