Вот что пришло мне на емайл от админа. Я думаю должно было всем такое прийти.
[SP="[SPOILER]"]This message was sent from 88Clix Administrator
Hello dear customers,
Regarding the PayPal review issue, we have to let you know that unfortunately PayPal has just closed our account without providing any reason for that! We have called them several times during the past few days and we almost spoke to every single member of their limitation department, but now all of them are saying that they do not know the reason!
The only thing they sent us is this general email:
I am sure you will agree that this does not make sense to anyone, even to the PayPal limitation team! We have been honest to them and provided all the requested documents but they provided no details about their decision!
Usually websites do not tell these kinds of problems to their customers, but we trust you and just want to be honest with you because we have not done anything wrong in our business and have told you about all the problems we had so far to resolve it together.
This time also we need your help.
You have 2 options now:
1- Leave Clix-Group websites, and you will lose 3 good websites while you know that what a good potential these websites have for generating income for you, given that more websites are coming in near future
2- Support us altogether and send a message to PayPal, so that they realize the huge number of users we have who are supporting us and are happy with our services. They cannot just deny this number of people.
So if you are happy to help, please go to this link:
Then log in to your PayPal account and send the below message to them.
Hi PayPal,
I am one of the users on 88bux.com, 88clix.com and NeatClix.com. You have recently reviewed their PayPal account and finally closed their account without any reasonable explanation although they have provided the requested documents and called you several times.
Hereby I ask you to restore their PayPal account:
[email protected] because I believe that they would incur no potential financial losses to your business and they are running their business honestly.
Kind regards
We also ask all non-English users to translate the above text into their language and put it in related sub-forums.
This would be our last chance to keep our business alive.
Thanks for your understanding and support
Вкратце, говорится о том, что кранты всем трём проектам и что у нас есть два варианта:
1) Они закрывают все три проекта и мы всё теряем.
2) Все пользователи должны написать в PayPal письмо с просьбой восстановить их аккаунт. И предлагают ссылку для обращения в PP -
https://www.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_contact-genera и вот этот текст обращения. Для не англоговорящих, просят перевести это обращение на свой язык и послать в PP.
Hi PayPal,
I am one of the users on 88bux.com, 88clix.com and NeatClix.com. You have recently reviewed their PayPal account and finally closed their account without any reasonable explanation although they have provided the requested documents and called you several times.
Hereby I ask you to restore their PayPal account:
[email protected] because I believe that they would incur no potential financial losses to your business and they are running their business honestly.
Kind regards
Грустно это всё, вложено во все три проекта 220$ и ни копейки ещё не выведено.