подскажите пожалуйста,как вывести деньги.захожу на вывод.где нужно выбрать кошелек пустои квадрат.у меня кошелек не высвечивается мой.отчего?
не могу прикрепить баннер. выходит пустое место.
подскажите пожалуйста,как вывести деньги.захожу на вывод.где нужно выбрать кошелек пустои квадрат.у меня кошелек не высвечивается мой.отчего?
Кто-нибудь подскажите... может быть пока не оплатишь статус, начислений и не будет?
Just a quick update of a few things that are going on at AdsProfitReward.
The migration of the system is coming along quite nicely. After the migration, you will be earning on the new system based on the company’s earnings. You will have several ways to earn money from the new system.
1. The matrix
2. Commissions on you referrals vip points purchases
3. Commissions on your customers penny bids purchase and
Daily vip point cash rewards
All premium levels (Silver, Gold, Diamond) will have until midnight Sunday, February 10, 2013 EST to earn with no qualifications. When you upgrade, you will get paid 5 levels deep if you are a silver, 10 levels deep if you are a Gold, and 21 levels deep if you are Diamond. There is no personal volume to qualify. What does that mean to you?
For example if you are a gold and only personally sponsor 1 person ( Silver) and your newly sponsored Silver personally sponsors 12 people ( a mix of premiums); as a Gold you will be paid 10 levels deep even though you do not
currently have the personal volume required. This is to thank each and everyone
of you for your patience.
Additionally, since we just implemented the program of placing advertising daily, we of course wanted to give you a chance to properly learn the process. You will have until Sunday, February 10, 2013 Midnight EST to learn the process. As of Monday, placing your qualifying ads and watching advertisements will be required to earn.
We encourage you to attend a live webinar that is hosted in English, German or Russian. You may find the live webinars posted in various pages including our Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/adsprofitreward or our Facebook group or by visiting the Skype room that is supported in your language.
As the main website is being upgraded, you will see many new tabs and links and several more to come including a communications system.
Thank you all for your loyalty and patience as we continue to grow a stronger and even more profitable company.
To Your Absolute Massive Profitable Action and Success,
Mariam Bello
Executive Administrator
А сумма невыплаченных средств (я копила до 20) так и останется теперь?
И надо ли теперь просматривать 5 рекламок