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Free Members
$0 Monthly Subscription
This is similar to having a business location. It’s great that you have the building/location to attract customers.
Bonus Points
Will receive 100 Bonus points as an incentive gift from the company. Each day you complete the 4 daily steps for a period of 60 days the bonus points will accrue. On/about the 60th day, the original bonus points given from the company will stop accruing or growing.
After 60 days if you do not upgrade to a premium membership, the bonus points will no longer grow.
The bonus points will remain at that same amount until you upgrade or the position is deleted for inactivity. It is an opportunity as a free member to see that the program is working/ meaning your account is growing based off completing the 4 daily qualifying steps. It’s also meant to avoid the financial barrier of entering the AdsProfitReward Business because within 60 days or if you upgrade before, it will turn to vip points and then you earn for 90 days.
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