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bannersbroker.com - Banners Broker - Страница 1303


Я так понимаю, грядет инфляция
Example: $1200 in eWallet BB2.9
(never withdrawn)
BBv3 - Available to Withdraw $200
Было 1200 на вывод, а в новой версии останется 200.

А что вообще говорится о платежных системах, кроме ewallet будет еще что на вывод
в новой версии?


Ну и вебинар... Хорошо, что хоть конкретные даты запуска назвали. 4-го февраля уйдём в отключку, а 11-го февраля запуск BBv3.0 Надеюсь так оно и будет.

Из вебинара самое интересное это вывод денег. Что то я не совсем понял, в BBv3.0 кроме "eWallet" у нас будет "Legacy Wallet"? Раздельные выплаты и раздельные выводы с этих кошельков? "Available to Withdraw - up to $200 cash" - от и лимит поставили до 200$, если будут платить, шансы получить выплату большему количеству людей возрастёт.

После регистрации в World eWallet, 11 дней ждал от них письма с паролем. Потом загрузил доки и через 16 дней прислали на e-mail письмо что доки утверждены. Все свои данные заполнял только на англ. языке + доки на англ. В итоге у меня почти месяц ушел чтоб подготовить платежку для приема денег :t-1doh:


Из вебинара самое интересное это вывод денег
а мне кажется что самое интересное это то что нужно вложить ещо из своих кровных чтоб твой акк не забанили через 3 месяца , ладно если ты на стандарте , 10 американских рублей не так уж и много, но ели ты премиум или экзекутив то нужно выложить соответственно 100 и 500 $!


В общем практически получается вот что: старый ББ закрывается,открывается новая программа,которая только будет называться ББ , в нее чуть перебросят из старой крохи и все.

Получается что это будет практически новая программа. Вы пойдете в нее после всего что было?
Последнее редактирование:


BB Facebook FAQ.

« on: January 25, 2014, 05:57:23 PM »


* Due to the significant changes from BB2 to BBv3, is there to be an opt-out option for small accounts (say up to 6 months old), and refund?
All accounts will be moved to BBv3 with a percentage of an affiliate’s eWallet balance will move to the BBv3 Advertising Credits. If an affiliate does not log in to their account in BBv3 and pay the heavily discounted first month subscription within 90 days, the account will be removed from the system.

* If panels stay in v2.9, what happens when current active panels complete?
All qualified panels will move into BBv3 and when they complete 50% of the funds will go into the BBv3 Legacy eWallet. The other 50% will purchase advertising impressions. There will be no repurchased panels.

* Will the 10% rule exist in v3?
Yes, the 10% repurchase rule will exist in BBv3.

* Will I be able to withdraw the total of my panel earnings (from panels as they complete) from BBv2.9 or just a %?
You will be able to withdraw the total amount of funds in BBv2.9 eWallet from the BBv3 Legacy Wallet but withdrawals in BBv3 will take priority.

* Will our BBv2.9 sites remain publisher sites and display ads?
No - all BBv2.9 campaigns and publisher sites will discontinue and unused impressions and external traffic will be returned to the affiliate’s account. New campaigns will need to be created in BBv3.

* Will there still be a withdrawal queue in BBv2.9 and will Chris still have to make "manual payments" ?
In BBv3, there will be two queues. The first will pay on earnings generated in BBv3, these funds will be in the Available to Withdraw section on the eWallet. The second queue will be paid from the affiliates’ Legacy Wallet and the withdrawal requests will be created automatically. The Available to Withdraw queue will take priority. Both these queues will be generated by the system. Legacy payments will be processed monthly. BBv3 payments will be processed weekly.

*When will the legacy withdrawal queue be cleared?
There is no anticipated date for this but payouts will continue to be made.


*What will happen to my qualified panels during the transition to BBv3?
Qualified Panels transfer over to BBv3 and will become Legacy panels. When they cap, you will receive 50% of the value of the panel in your Legacy Wallet and you will receive the panels’ value in impressions.

* What will happen to Traffic Packs?
All traffic pack subscriptions will be automatically cancelled during the blackout period. Affiliates will start BBv3 with zero traffic packs and will have to take out new TP subscriptions, should they wish. Unallocated Traffic Packs will be liquified and the value will be put back in the affiliate’s eWallet. Any Traffic Packs traffic that is allocated will be transferred over to BBv3 in the bank that it was allocated to.

* Will we have the option to down-grade our subscription level?
Executive affiliates will be downgraded to premium subscriptions, all other subscriptions will remain the same.

* What will happen to my current traffic allowance?
Traffic allowance will reset in BBv3 with each affiliate starting with enough allowance to qualify 5 panels per colour with Traffic Pack traffic. Prestige panels are not subject to a traffic allowance.

* Will money transferred into BBv3 at the change over be subject to a 25% movement fee or just money transferred that comes from cappings after v2 is locked ?
There will be no fee when the system automatically transfers funds from BBv2.9 to BBv3. There will be no facility to manually transfer funds the legacy Wallet and BBv3 Advertising Credits.

* Why isn't all unused/unallocated traffic being migrated?
All Traffic Pack traffic in traffic banks will be transferred.
A percentage of Sales Credits will be transferred, depending on one’s registration date for each colour bank and moved to the same bank in BBv3. Sales Credits are commission for the panels purchased by your referrals but most Sales Credits has been created by repurchased panels, not panels that have been purchased by affiliates.
All Organic traffic will be transferred.
A percentage of Incentive traffic will be transferred, depending on one’s registration date for each colour bank and moved to the same bank in BBv3 because there will no longer be credits to the inviter for Rolled Up panels.

*Will our organic choicenet campaigns be working during the blackout period?
No campaigns will function during the blackout. You will need to create new campaigns after the transition for BBv3.

*Will our advertising credits/available to withdraw be transferred to v.3?
If you have funded money in your Advertising Credits, 100% will be transferred. A percentage of your Available to Withdraw will be transferred, based on your registration date and will be put into Advertising Credits in BBv3. The rest will go into the Legacy Wallet.

* Will all pending Article Incentive articles be approved/rejected and traffic awarded prior to the blackout?
All un-reviewed articles will stay in queue and will need to be approved in BBv3.


* Will panels show movement more frequently than they do now?
In BBv3, the engine will run daily.

* Will there be a means of generating large amounts of alternative traffic, other than traffic packs and sales credits?
There are new methods of generating Incentive traffic in BBv3 with many more being developed that will allow affiliates to qualify panels.

* What are the costs and benefits for each membership level in BBv3?
The costs and benefits will be shown in a summary page when BBv3 is launched. You can also find it by reading the v3 Release Notes.

* Can you make it a prerequisite that for affiliates to use click incentive in v3, that they have downloaded the Alexa toolbar ?
Banners Broker does not recommend or suggest the use of any toolbars.

* Can we have an outline of the amount of incentive traffic that can be earned when doing specific task across all areas. BBv3 and BM?
There will be a chart of Incentive tasks and the associated values in the BBv3 Affiliate Success Manual

* What percentage fee will be charged, to transfer from our BBv3 Advertising Credits to our subscription wallet?
There is no fee to transfer funds from Advertising Credits to your subscription wallet so you can pay for your monthly subscriptions and traffic packs. There is a 25% fee (minimum $10) to transfer funds from your Available to Withdraw to your Subscription Wallet. There is no fee to fund your subscription wallet if using external funds, other than standard load charges.

* If the rapid winner panel costs half the price of the yellow panel and takes half the time to cap, why would the traffic required to qualify it not be half of yellow as well? 2,500 instead of 4,000 as advertised?
The traffic to qualify the Rapid Winner panel is 4,000.

* Can Banners Broker Company start their very own forum with company mods so that affiliates have direct access to the company and have links to the forum on the Dashboard?
All notifications of changes will be posted on the dashboard and information will be sent through the new notification system and our official social media pages.

* Are the bonus hits of traffic in Traffic Packs returning?
The bonus hits for each traffic pack are 0 for Standard, 10,000 for Premium and 25.000 for Executive affiliates.

* How will BBv3 improve the payment process?
In BBv2.9, compiling the queue is a manual process. In BBv3, compiling the queue can be done far faster and more easily because the system will do the processing.

* Will there be a realistic chance that we can use all of our accumulated ad impressions?

* Will the payments in BBv3 be more reliable than they will be in BBv2.9 ?
Yes, payments in v3 will be processed weekly.

* Why is there a limit to the number of traffic packs in v3?
Banners Broker is not intended to be a passive program, allowing people to make money without doing any work. The intent of limiting Traffic Packs is to ensure that affiliates manage their accounts as they would any other business. Traffic Packs will be available but they will also be treated as rewards for affiliates that are actively working to grow their accounts.

* For the payment backlog to actually catch up does BB need a certain % of people to join WEW to ease the strain?
No, it does not matter which processor affiliates chose to use in BBv3.

* In BBv3 will new packages come with two rounds of complimentary panel qualifications for each panel type or only one complimentary round as in BB Mobile?
There will be two rounds of complimentary panels with new packages in v3

* What will be the cost of traffic boosters?

Traffic boosters will cost the same as they do in BBv2 and the cost will be subject to your subscription level.

« Last Edit: January 25, 2014, 06:03:49 PM by iainsherriff »

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I've gone through the FAQ's and added in replies.

There are questions that I dont know the official answer to and have just put a '.' for me to come back to after speaking with Ron.

...Don't shoot the messenger!

Quote from: southoffrance on January 24, 2014, 09:50:59 PM

Does half of ones total qualified panel amount go to (upon capping) your legacy ewallet, and the other half to a legacy fund (advertising credits). Do partial payouts come under the new queue rules...?

Legacy panels complete at 50% into the legecey eWallet and 50% to ad impressions.

Quote from: GasHead666 on January 25, 2014, 11:23:36 AM

Will Exec. members be given a higher Withdrawal Allowance from Legacy Pot?


Quote from: GasHead666 on January 25, 2014, 11:22:28 AM

Will Exec. Members be paying $500 pm in V3?

If you chose to upgrade to exc - yes. All current execs will be downgraded to premium.

Quote from: rphelan on January 24, 2014, 09:53:30 PM

Can we purchase traffic packs, panels and monthly subs from the legacy wallet? Or are we expected to provide fresh funds?

No, you can only withdraw from the legacy wallet. A % of your current ewallet and pending withdrawals will go into your advertising credits so you can purchase using them if you do not wish to add new funds.

Quote from: GasHead666 on January 25, 2014, 07:51:15 AM

Chris stated that the $5 Rapid Panel would not lose you money, but when you take into consideration the cost of Traffic, surely that is not the case?

No if the panel is being qualified with sales credits.

Quote from: GasHead666 on January 25, 2014, 07:52:55 AM

Did I hear right that Affiliates can't put in a 2nd Withdrawal Request until the 1st has been paid?

You did.

Quote from: GasHead666 on January 25, 2014, 08:12:24 AM

By cancelling all Withdrawal Requests & replacing them with V3 "Legacy" Withdrawals, will the amounts be honoured (let's say @ $2,500) as Chris & BB have stated or will they be capped at $250?

New withdrawal requests on the legacy ewallet will be upto $250 each for the time being.

Quote from: GOMAAT on January 25, 2014, 06:12:06 AM

Will transitioning BB members have a "Fresh Start" with Traffic Allocation for 5 of each color panel up to Prestige?


Quote from: southoffrance on January 25, 2014, 12:04:51 PM

$250 limit for each legacy ewallet withdrawal. Am I right in saying this amount has to be paid before making a further withdrawal request? If so - what kind of time period are we anticipating before the next withdrawal request can be made... Or is that a "how long is a piece of string question...?

Legacy payments will be made monthly.

Quote from: GasHead666 on January 25, 2014, 12:15:46 PM

If no capping proceeds go into Advertising Credits & this is used on buying New Panels, is the expected route to have to top up with cash the only one left?

Legacy panels that complete will put funds into the legacy ewallet. v3 panels that complete will go into Advertising Credits. You can purchase products using Advertising Credits that are transferred over, or purchase using external funding.

Quote from: GasHead666 on January 25, 2014, 12:13:58 PM

Where does the money in my "Available to Withdraw" and "Advertising Credits" boxes on V2.9 go under V3 & what can it be used for?

A % will go into the v3 Advertising Credits (the percentage is dependant on the joining time and explained clearly in the relevant slide) and is used to purchase v3 products. The remainder will go into the Legacy eWallet and can be withdrawn.

Quote from: GOMAAT on January 25, 2014, 06:06:26 AM

Will BB V3.0 Panels produce re-purchased panels when they cap?


Quote from: GasHead666 on January 25, 2014, 11:29:36 AM

Will there still be a 3-month Withdrawal Request facility, where Affiliates could say, take all but Floor Limit from their eWallet as a lump sum, as this would save waiting for 2 years to get $2,500 max. pm out as a Secondary Withdrawal to clear $60,000?

There isnt a 3 month withdrawal facility at the moment.

Quote from: josephpowell519 on January 25, 2014, 08:28:50 AM

"Panel values will remain the same in BBv3

Yellow- cost $10- caps at $20"
And then all the panel examples.

That is great news if this could be confirmed?

v3 panel values are the same as v2 panel values

Quote from: rphelan on January 24, 2014, 09:53:30 PM

Can we purchase traffic packs, panels and monthly subs from the legacy wallet? Or are we expected to provide fresh funds?

The Legacy wallet is for withdrawing only. A % will go into the v3 Advertising Credits (the percentage is dependant on the joining time and explained clearly in the relevant slide) and is used to purchase v3 products.

Quote from: Ahddub on January 24, 2014, 11:49:40 PM

If my account in V3 does not support an exec level subscription but I have exec level panels completing from V2.9 will I be required to pay exec fee for those legacy panels (red, black and prestige) to complete?

No. Your current legacy panels will complete as normal without needing to upgrade your subscription.

Quote from: amo678 on January 25, 2014, 12:00:19 AM

Can someone clearly explain about us affiliates having to fund the fees from our pocket every month. I am a premium member so my fee is $100 a month from my bank, is this correct?

Yes, or $125 from your Advertising Credits. (Subscription + 25% transfer fee)

Quote from: josephpowell519 on January 25, 2014, 08:18:36 AM

With the % of unqualified panels that move across (30% if you joined before 4th Nov 2012), will those still be deemed legacy panels or will they be real panels for V3?
If we are simply getting the 'value' instead of the panel, will those funds go into the real ewallet or the legacy wallet?

You are getting the value in your v3 Advertising Credits (what you class as 'real ewallet)

Quote from: GasHead666 on January 25, 2014, 07:48:05 AM

On Premium, what's the point of paying $100 to allow you to go $100 Negative?

To have the protection in case you do go overdrawn. Now the penalties for going overdrawn are quite severe there is no excuse for anyone if they havent taken out this protection. I would say that most people wont use this if they have a decent floor amount, but I know a lot of affiliates always push things 'to the bone' and dip into overdrawn quite a lot.

Quote from: GasHead666 on January 25, 2014, 08:05:02 AM

Is 10,000 Traffic to an Executive Affiliate doing a weekly webinar not insultingly low? (Even on the new basis, it's value is the equivalent of less than £4)

Looking at it purely from a monetary point of view, maybe - again that depends on where in the world you are coming from. However, I'd say that the extra profile it gives you "doing official BB webinars" will boost credibility and make you more money from the business side. Just my thoughts. (but the question wont be answered on an official FAQ lets face it!)

Quote from: GasHead666 on January 25, 2014, 07:58:51 AM

Why are we being forced to have yet more Impressions when we can't effectively use the 10's of millions that some Affiliates have sitting unused?

We have been assured that the v3 ad platform will allow us to use these impressions swiftly.

« Last Edit: January 25, 2014, 08:04:44 PM by Jamie Waters »

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Jamie Waters
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Re: New v3 FAQs

« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2014, 08:04:09 PM »


Quote from: Sparklehorse on January 25, 2014, 12:28:15 AM

Will we be able to transfer funds from our legacy wallet to our v3 e wallet.? Can it be considered that we are able to pay our first 6 months subscriptions from our legacy wallet thus allowing our new panels time to start returning funds and avoiding a negative balance?

It is not possible to transfer funds from the Legacy Wallet to the v3 Advertising Credits [I will find out the second part of the question]

Quote from: mike on January 25, 2014, 12:35:25 AM

"There is a 25% fee (minimum $10) to transfer funds from your Available to Withdraw to your Subscription Wallet" - Why ?


Quote from: GOMAAT on January 25, 2014, 06:09:24 AM

What funds may be used to purchase new BB V3.0 Panels?

Funds from the v3 Advertising Credits

Quote from: GOMAAT on January 25, 2014, 06:14:25 AM

Will there be, in BB V3.0, any possibility for transfer of panels or packages to direct referrals?


Quote from: GOMAAT on January 25, 2014, 06:52:00 AM

Can the information on the "First Month's Admin" slide be clarified? Please Please Please

It says, first sentence:
"Affiliates from select countries can choose to pay from their Advertising Credits."

Next Sentence:
"These affiliates have the option to pay 50% of their monthly admin fee with funds from their Advertising Credits or they can fund $10 from an external source."

Third sentence:
"Standard = $7.50. Premium = $50"

Then there is a list of third world countries....

This is all very very unclear. Second sentence for instance talks about "monthly admin fee" and not about "First Month's Admin" at all.

Also, if it is actually referring to "First Month's Admin" does it mean that these affiliates can pay 50% of that "First Months Admin" from "Advertising Credits" and the balance from somewhere else?

If all of this applies ONLY to the third world countries then: What about the rest of us....?

And what is that "Standard = $7.50, Premium = $50" all about...... ? ???

The list of countries shown were felt that they would be at too much of a disadvantage to fund their account with $10 within 90 days. Therefore, those accounts have the option to pay half of their first months subscription only from their Advertising Credits. (Hence, $7.50 for standard affiliates or $50 for premium.) If premium affiliates from those countries would prefer to pay $10 (and therefore save $40) - they can fund their account from an external source like the rest of the world. The discounted monthly fee is for the FIRST month only.

Quote from: GasHead666 on January 25, 2014, 07:56:10 AM

If I choose to await a $250 Withdrawal before funding my Monthly Admin Fee, given the Fees involved with 1) BB, 2) World eWallet & 3) Currency Conversion, would it not be better to have an option of a Withdrawal Amount NET of Monthly Admin Fee, thereby saving Costs?


Quote from: GOMAAT on January 25, 2014, 08:22:00 AM

What happens to the Partial Withdrawals, still not paid.... ?


Quote from: desborado on January 25, 2014, 08:46:57 AM

So legacy ewallet only good for withdrawals.

I pay (very reluctantly) my $10 to stay "in the game".

But choose not to work V3 and my account goes negative.

Will my legacy payments still be honoured ?


Quote from: bbdave on January 25, 2014, 08:59:08 AM

What logical explanation can be provided to describe why the Primary withdrawal queue doesn't include Legacy Wallet funds?

Why are Legacy Wallet withdrawal requests restricted to monthly only?

Can someone explain to me why Legacy Wallet funds are not exclusively in the Primary withdrawal queue?

Legacy funds are funds which have ALREADY been earned by affiliates in accordance with BB's terms and conditions and these are the funds which should be placed in the Primary queue and paid weekly!



понятно что ничерта непонятно),может кто то переведёт на нормальный язык важные основные пункты?)
и самый главный вопрос, после перехода на версию 3 всем участникам вне зависимости в плюсе их баланс или в минусе придётся платить 10$ реальными деньгами для начала работы в версии 3,или я что то не так понял?


Новости довольно стремные, особенно в части переноса наших пожитков на v3
и самый главный вопрос, после перехода на версию 3 всем участникам вне зависимости в плюсе их баланс или в минусе придётся платить 10$ реальными деньгами для начала работы в версии 3,или я что то не так понял?

Я тоже как то так понял.......... (англ. со словарем) желает сыграть на жадности и разуть имеющихся партнеров дополнительно, чисто по пути джаста, глядишь и обычные выплаты 2 - 4 партнерам в месяц сможет делать еще пару лет..........



Vasiliy Veber





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    Снимок экрана 2014-01-26 в 8.38.57 AM.png
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И у меня за 2 года не было ни одного вывода денег, хотя в ожидании с марта прошлого года все в ожидании.... Что за дела? Я согласна с Вами, что уже пора куда-то жаловаться на этого бессовестного Криса. Вот только будет ли результат от этого?


Есть такое видео youtube.com/watch?v=hq4dhou9qzg с прояснениями:),что будет в 3 версии .Стоит ли верить информации о том ,что кто имеет не распределенные трафик пакеты, то при переходе их заберет ББ , а вместо них даст за каждый пакет его цену в деньгах ,а это не выгодно .Если кто владеет информацией - поделитесь.

Vasiliy Veber


Алексей Шумов

жулье , кругом жулье братцы. так и выгоняют на мороз то такой работать. то ли бы дело сиди дома в тепле - ноутбук щелкает интенсив а равно и у рефералов щелкает. всей деревней сидим такие щелкаем- не сеем не пашем - наXера? лишь бы интернет родной не подвел- а еду китайцы навезут - им только свистни. дмитрий анатолич тоже за интернет больше ратует чем за картошку- вот молодец. так что мы не в разрез с решениями правительства, а что ни на есть параллельно с ними. а председателя теперь не боимся - смело посылаем подальше- у нас мол теперь другой начальник- КРИС СМИТ- правда пока негр.
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