Свой самый звездный кусок Вы уже выложили. Теперь начинаете из пустого в порожнее переливать, пытаясь сделать сенсацию ни на чем. Вам неинтересно то, что не укладывается в Вашу задачу — это понятно. Немного отступления лирического, у А.Хейли есть такой роман «Перезагрузка», там г-н был ярый эколог, борец за правду, с пеной у рта доказывающий вред энергетических компаний и публично осуждая все то, зло, которое они делают. В конце концов оказалось, что этот «эколог» обирал студентов, тратил на себя деньги фонда, собранные от богатых спонсоров средства направлял на финансирование террористических актов, и «правда» нужна была ему совсем не для помощи человечеству
Теперь по делу:
- Ответы Мальцева и Кокоулина на одинаковые вопросы разные, потому что каждый из них отвечает, о фактах, которые известны именно ему.
Например, на вопрос: «Проводили ли Вы мониторинг подозрительного счета». Мальцев отвечает: «Нет, не проводил» - это нормально, и он действительно не проводил, это не входит в его обязанности. Кокоулин (менеджер проекта) отвечает: «Да. Проводил.» - потому что как человек отвечающий за проект — он проводил мониторинг.
- обращаю Ваше внимание на различие разговорной речи и письменной. Или Вы считаете, что в суде по бумажке свидетели считают?
Возвращаясь к вопросу мониторинга подозрительного счета:
Стр. 115
10 Мальцев (А): Genesis has the same accounts structure as I just described
11 with these accounts. We only knew that the person opened an
12 account there, put some money there, received profits,
13 repatriated the money, and we as a company received commission
14 paid by Genesis. As far as we were concerned, it raised some
15 questions. It was exotic, unusual.
16 Q. When were the questions --
17 A. Is why we questioned it.
18 Q. When were the questions raised?
19 A. Like I said, maybe in November 2009, October, November,
20 when Jeanetta Panova raised the issue in my conversation with
21 her. It was during the period of when this individual started
22 repatriating the money.
23 Q. How much was --
24 A. Moneys. And like I said, I instructed Mr. Kokoulin to look
25 in it. He did and reported back to me no problem. We still
Стр 116
1 don't know, it's kind of unilateral, we still don't know who's
2 got radar or which accounts were hacked into.
3 Q. What prompted your auditor or financial person to bring
4 particular trades to your attention?
5 A. Nothing prompted us, except the fact that the person made a
6 considerable amount of money on a small, smaller investment.
7 Q. He did so consecutively?
8 A. You mean repatriation of the money?
9 Q. No. I'm talking about the unusual trading in that
10 subaccount.
11 A. My understanding is the entire process took like about six
12 months. The transactions did not raise any suspicions with us.
13 Q. Okay.
14 A. What prompted my financial director to look into it was
15 this person repatriating substantial sums of money is what
16 started all this. It was strange. Once again, Mr. Kokoulin
17 spoke with Genesis and asked those questions, and the answer
18 back was everything was all right.
- 2 разных фамилии на представленном фрагменте со стр.23 означают: Vic Ksendzov — фамилия клиента, торговавшего на счете; R. Svetlov — исполнительный директор Broco Руслан Смирнов, обладающий правом подписывать документы. Фамилию, плохо расслышал переводчик, поэтому пошла с искажениями. Про разные способы написания дат Вам уже подробно рассказали, дополню лишь тем, что в первом случае дату проставил сотрудник, готовивший документ, а внизу дату указал человек, который поставил резолюцию. Причины их разных настроений, думаю, выяснять не стоит в рамках этого дела.
- Г-на Соркина Вы все же из адвокатов наших увольняли, не стоит отрекаться от собственных интерпритаций
Адвокаты, конечно, не рекомендовали, но Вы меня так сильно вынуждаете, что как девушка я просто вынуждена сдаться
Допрос Алекса Кравица — представителя Genesis
Q. Mr. Kravets, if you can turn to -- Mr. Kravets, did you
19 receive all the information that you requested in Exhibit U?
20 Alex Kravets (A). I would have to double-check but I believe we received all,
21 if not the majority of it.
22 Q. Excuse me. Can you repeat that? I'm sorry.
23 A. I would have to double-check but I do believe we received
24 most, if not all of it.
25 Q. Can you turn to Exhibit J in the big binder.
1 Are you familiar with this passport?
2 A. I believe this was one of the ones that was sent over in
3 that batch.
4 Q. And is this passport associated with account 20400, Valery
5 Ksendzov?
6 A. That is what BroCo claims.
7 Q. Well, did they provide you this passport, this copy of this
8 passport in connection with account 20400?
9 A. Yes.
10 Q. And, therefore, you received the answer to your question?
11 You requested the photo IDs of the individuals associated with
12 each subaccount, correct?
13 A. Yeah. I requested a list of photo IDs for all active
14 traders.
15 Q. Associated with each subaccount?
16 A. Yes.
17 Q. And they had provided you copies of passports associated
18 with each subaccount?
19 A. Yes.
Стр. 150
9 Q. Did BroCo receive daily reports, daily trading reports, do
10 you know?
11 A. For their convenience, BroCo received a text file posted to
12 an FTP site reflecting trading activity.
13 Q. And did those reports, those daily reports, reflect the
14 trading activity in each subaccount?
15 A. I don't believe so. They were batched as one file with the
16 user IDs in that report.
17 Q. And so the user ID is associated -- identifies each
18 subaccount, right?
19 A. The user ID is a subaccount.
20 Q. And so this daily trading report showed which subaccount
21 traded in which security, is that correct?
22 A. Yes.
День второй
Допрос А. Schoeberlein — представителя SEC
3 Q. Did you happen to see the trade blotter reflecting any
4 subaccounts? Was there a trade blotter that was shown to you
5 by BroCo reflecting subaccounts? Genesis, did Genesis show you
6 a trade blotter reflecting subaccount activity?
7 Schoeberlein (A). There is a column in the trade blotter that says "User ID,"
8 yes.
9 Q. Did you identify a user ID to account number 20400 and the
10 other three accounts?
11 A. Yeah, that's what it says.
12 Q. That's what it says?
13 A. Yeah.
14 Q. So at some point in time you knew there was a user ID that
15 was attributable to a particular subaccount and would use
16 20400, correct?
17 A. Yes, I saw that user ID, yeah.
18 Q. When you looked at the subaccounts on the trade blotter,
19 did that trade blotter reflect any of the trades on Exhibit A
20 to your complaint?
21 A. The trade blotter, yeah, had all of the trading data in it.
Стр. 213
23 Q. Do you have any record, anywhere, any document, that
24 Mr. Maltsev personally entered an order through Genesis using a
25 password, a user ID?
Стр. 214
1 A. Well, I mean I have the trade blotter that shows all the
2 trading in the account. I don't know what you --
3 Q. I don't want to debate this with you. That wasn't my
4 question. Is there any record, any document, any piece of
5 paper, any email, any blotter, that shows that Mr. Maltsev
6 entered an order using a user ID password through Laser at
7 Genesis?
8 A. No.