Письмишко такое пришло, ахаха
Dear CryptoCoinEra members!
We are informing you, that our web-site was hacked, and now is temporarily unavailable, however, we are offering a refund to our investors for a limited time. To apply for a refund, you need to verify your Identity, by sending an amount of 5$ to our Perfect Money account - U3933414.
Remember! To qualify for a refund, you need to send the fee from the same account you made the deposit, and add your username in the "Payment Description".
Thank you, CryptoCoinEra.
Dear CryptoCoinEra members!
We are informing you, that our web-site was hacked, and now is temporarily unavailable, however, we are offering a refund to our investors for a limited time. To apply for a refund, you need to verify your Identity, by sending an amount of 5$ to our Perfect Money account - U3933414.
Remember! To qualify for a refund, you need to send the fee from the same account you made the deposit, and add your username in the "Payment Description".
Thank you, CryptoCoinEra.