Что-то двое суток нет заказанного платежа!
По выходным не платит. 72 часа по рабочим дням должна идти выплата.
Что-то двое суток нет заказанного платежа!
Dear Investors, Please do not panic as our site is currently not online. We are checking with our server regarding the issue and within 24hours, it should be resolved. We are very apologetic about our recent issues that arose from various aspects but please give us 24 hours to diagnose the issue and we will provide a very satisfactory fact about this.
Interest loss during this day will be added when our site is back online. We do not see a need for anyone to be panicky and please do not fuss about it. For all AlertPay accounts, please make sure that the amount is above $1 for withdrawals because this is the minimum amount set by AP and not by IP.
Leave us a message here or Private message us if there are any concerns. Anyone found accusing without any proof will be liable for damage control cost. Any others whom aren't even a member will be asked to provide a member ID or account details and failure to do so will only be deemed as saboteurs.
Sorry for the inconveniences caused and stay tuned for our updates on the forums.
Sincerely Yours,
Ken Lim
Marketing Manager
Местами проскакивают сообщения о задержке выплат. А на самом деле, администрация объявила о том, что запросы на вывод теперь будут обрабатываться в течение 72 часов. Вчерашние проблемы с сервером, похоже, ликвидированы - "InvestPlatforms" снова на коне.
Сегодня (в воскресенье!) должны быть выплаты.Dear Investors and Members,
We had an issue with our website being down for 2 entire days recently and we are apologetic with the inconvenience caused. Our management team has reactify the cause of the problem which was due to a switch of our ip directing and it was directed to the older ip address which caused the broken link.
We will be going through the list of outstanding interest accrued owing and our finance department will credit them to our members' accounts by the 27th February, 2011 2359 +7 GMT. As the recent 2 days of problem with our site has caused much inconvenience to our members, our finance department will be called back on a Sunday to clear all outstanding issues.
We have also put in place a measure to prevent future mishaps like this. We sincerely hope that you sit back and relax. This should warrant no reason to panic as downtime for a company website is common. We look forward to serving you better.
InvestPlatforms Management Team (Subsidiary of Asia One Assets)