У меня уже часов 8 в пендале.Обратился в саппорт
И пришло послание:
Hello, you need to Create API to get your payment instantly.
Your request was not processed instantly because of our new script features.
You need to do following steps in order to receive the withdrawal:
1. Login to your LR account, go to Merchant Tools.
2. Click on "Create new API" ( API is for instant payments )
3. Enter the following entries
3. API Name: PremiumGainWithdraw
3. Sec. Word: Withdrawfunds2
4. Check ENABLED
6. Check BALANCE
Other values leave to default.
After doing so, please e-mail me back -
gmail.com and we will fix this isue.
You should be able now to receive withdrawals from us instantly as usual.
Thank you.
Мой ответ:
What is it meant?
I know hackers use this to enter into accounts, is it right?
Trough API can't get in accounts. We require it to pay instant payments in new Goldcoders script. Thats why you need it to be enabled.
It's very secure and safe. After adding API reply and we will process your withdrawal in 1 second.
Мой ответ по русски:
Ты что думаешь я идиот приятель?
Поищи дураков в других местах!
По моему мнению товарищ скамит...