Пришло письмо от админа (якобы!):
"Dear members,
I would like to remind everyone who didn't receive their LibertyReserve withdrawals, that they must be added to the safe list first in order to receive them, and that means that they must create the API of RedStarFund's new LR instant payments system in their LibertyReserve account and reply to this email with their username and LibertyReserve account number. I will then add them to the safe list immediately and all their LibertyReserve withdrawals that weren't processed before, will be always processed instantly to their LR accounts.
Please follow the instructions below, step-by-step of creating our API system in your LR account:
1) Login to your LibertyReserve account
2) Click on "Merchant Tools", after that click on "Create new API"
3) Enter the following details:
API Name: Redstarfund1
Security Word: apiforredstar24
5) Enter your Master Key and click "SUBMIT"
And that's all, you have finished creating our API!
U2457*** You have been registered: 2011-07-18 ***"
То есть бла-бла, "напоминаем тем, кто еще не получил деньги, должны создать новый API с указанными реквизитами и по указанным шагам..." После этого вы сообщаете им номер своего счета и ваши денежки тю-тю.
Вывод. 100% подтвердился факт взлома хайпа и вся его база теперь в руках у мошенников.