Распечатка свежего чата
20:07:08 Ann: Hello!
20:07:22 Ann: How may I help you today?
20:07:54 Serg: Your site was unaccessible for several days. Did you change hosting?
20:08:21 Ann: no
20:08:38 Ann: it was under maintenance just for weekend
20:08:51 Ann: perhaps, your system has cache
20:09:01 Ann: can you open it now?
20:09:19 Serg: Now it is OK
20:10:43 Ann: ok,
20:11:05 Ann: so have you got any problem now?
20:11:16 Serg: Will it be every weekend?
20:11:26 Ann: no
20:11:57 Serg: Do you plan to switch on instant withdrawals again?
20:13:28 Ann: withdrawals are paying instantly now
20:13:49 Serg: And what about SSL certificate?
20:14:41 Ann: it will be install only a few days later
20:15:17 Serg: Thank you, good luck
20:15:50 Ann: you welcome
20:15:52 Ann: Bye
Коротко: усовершенствования завершили, инстант включили, ссл-сертификат будет получен в считанные дни.
Надеюсь, что все так и будет