Change of plan. Since my programmer is currently online, and won't be tonight at 12 MN server time. We decided that we should move the server to the new hosting provider already. We will do this at exactly 12 noon server time. You have less than an hour after I send this to do your surfing if you haven't done so yet. To do our move, we need to disable log-ins and surfing as we need to transfer the most current database to the new server. With this transfer, It might take about an hour or so to transfer the complete database. Then the DNS would still have to propagate across the internet, this usualy takes up to 3 days to complete. Watch out for updates on our forums on how to get a 'workaround' on this. We will post it as soon as the move is done so you won't lose any surfing days. Please be patient at this time, I only want the best for our program. You should already know that by now.
Roger C