Dear Members,
I hope you had a nice weekend and are having a wonderful day so far! I just got done meeting with the PAC admins, and I have some updates for you.
I will be taking over the reins on Aggero Investment again. The PAC admins will still be here but they will work more in the background to help me out in more of a support role. I will be doing what you've been accustomed in the past, i.e. fast payouts and quick support directly from me!
I do have some not so good news for those of you who are members of PAC. Unfortunately, things out of ones control do happen that affects even the best run programs. Let me just say that PremiumAdsClub ran it's course and cannot continue any longer. I sincerely apologize to all those who signed-up under me due to my promotional efforts, it was a good ride and I hope you all made money from it. I cannot go into details as to why this happened as that is not my place. The PAC admins will explain the situation themselves in another email that you will receive from them. What I can tell you is that they will discontinue accepting deposits and start the refund process as soon as the programmer gives them an audit. Please do not email me and ask me for details on this, you will get your answer in an email from PAC admins.
I would just like to stress that AI is not affected in any way. I told you before that our funds are different from their funds. We are almost 6 months old now and I hope that I've already earned your respect and trust as I do work hard for it and greatly appreciate it. Many programs that we've competed with are already closed which includes Megalido, FastProfitSurf, Frogress, DailyProfitPond, Surfs-Ahoy, 24Over7, many 11,12&13 dailys, and the list goes on. And now PremiumAdsClub. Aggero is still here and I fully expect that it will always be here for the benefit of it's members. I do hope that you understand this situation and realize that my #1 priority is Aggero and allowing nothing to impede our growth and success.
On a positive note, we will celebrate our 6th month anniversary in just 4 days and the contest is ON! I will update the contest link page later so be sure to check that out.
Roger C