Новости на сегодня от ББ:
The BB website will be down for maintenance on Thursday (tomorrow)
When the site to comes back online we can expect a lot more new features as listed below
BB are calling this version 2.6 - this is not the final version so some of these things will change when BBv3 is launched
So here are the details of what to expect this time
BB version 2.6
1) Traffic pack qualified panels will give 1/2 sales credit to inviter upon completion rather than full credit.
This means that anyone you have introduced who qualifies their panels using traffic packs you as the inviter, will only get half the sales credit. This is to encourage people to work with their teams to help them build their business and even help them with referring people
Currently if someone qualifies for example a yellow panel using their traffic pack you as the inviter get 2500 in credits. After upgrade to BB version 2.6 you will get 1250 (half)
In the future BB are bringing out an additional way to qualify panels alongside TPs
2) Traffic pack subscriptions will be automated
75% of your highest months TP purchases will be your monthly commitment
3) Auto admin fee charging - they have noticed that this has not been working correctly and they will be bringing it up to date The admin fees will be taken on the same date that you activated your package.
For brand new people joining if they activate their pack for example on the 15th September, there subscription will be taken on the 15th of October
4) Security layer - transaction pins and locked pages etc will be put in place
5) Automatic rollup Details are for Version 2.6 only. This will change in BBv3 it will be a bit different but for now it is as follows
If you have 10 or more unqualified panels of same colour dated older than 8 days, the system
Will automatically find them and roll them up when you visit the view panels page.
The panels need to be at least 8 days old for the auto-roll up to happen.
Example: if you have 100 unqualified yellow panels and you go to the view panels page
It will automatically roll-up three yellow panels to one purple (if older than 8 days)
This will then leave you 97 yellow panels, if you then go to another page and come back to the yellow view panels page
It will roll-up another 3 yellow panels to 1 purple
To avoid roll-up, DO NOT visit the view panel page.
Automatic rollup, will not roll-up panels that have already been rolled up from a lower colour
So if you have rolled 9 yellows to create 3 rolled up purples, the system will not roll those three purples to blue
why 10 panels? next version BBv3 will have countdown timer and things will be slightly different and roll up will happen when you have 6 unqualified panels. This current version will roll up 3 out of 10