Открытие - 22.01.2010
Работает с LR\PM
Рефсистема - 5%
Планы :
Минимальный депозит - $10
Минимальный депозит - $500140% Monthly will work out to 1.34 percent daily including weekends based on a 30 day month. This is for investments up to $5000 Dollars.
Минимальный депозит - $1000145% Monthly will work out to 1.45 percent daily including weekends based on a 30 day month. This is for investments above the $5001 and up to $10000 Dollars.
55% Monthly will work out to 1.83 percent daily including weekends based on a 30 day month. This is for investments above the $10001 and up to $25000 Dollars.
Ссылка на интервью с Администратором Boston Ventures Billionaires Club (Todd S) ===>
Админ купил Diamond HYIPs Listing :
Date : 2010-06-02 17:35:30
From/To Account : U4964059 (BVBC)
Amount : -45.0000
Currency : LRUSD
Batch : 28838293
Memo : Investment in 40% PerMonth Daily Interest plan from VipMonitorCom.
Ссылка на фонд ===> Boston Ventures Billionaires Club
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