Уже побёг было регица, почитав у ньюхайпа, но сайтец... гм, тормознул.
Сплошные дифирамбы некоему програмеру.
Такая школота сквозит из этого гугла, что атасProject created by professional programmer. We have carefully analyzed the popular payment systems for investment. Our choice is PerfectMoney, Payeer and popular in Russia AdvCash. We did not buy ready-made script. We are well-organized team and our programmer tested for years, we trust him, it as opposed to what we can buy. Design is purchased template plus our refinement. All payments are instant on our project. User Control Panel is intuitive and worked out in the style of many projects.
Сплошные дифирамбы некоему програмеру.
А это как понимать, "мы не поняли против криптовалюты"?We are against the risk of binary options, we have not understood against cryptocurrency.