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мовенко за 3 недели свой план даже на английский перевёл и по почте выслал :
"Good time of a day, dear investors and partners!
We apologize for the lack of information in this crisis period for our company, and we hope that this letter will bring some clarity in order for our further cooperation.
We are forced to announce a full closure of FAIRhyip and Fair Premium investment portfolios for several reasons, including:
1. Shortage of capital turnover, for reasons that do not depend on us (more than 50 000 USD).
2. Lower liquidity for investment portfolios of the company when working on arbitration betting strategy (capital turnover > income, proportionally).
3. Barriers and obstacles created by the bookmakers for the destruction of our business (blocking of accounts, setting limits on stakes and withdrawals).
4. Zero in profitability of the company, because of the constant indemnification illiquid of investment portfolios from the reserves of the company. Lack of replenishment of these reserves (all income in the last 110 days spent on payments to investors).
All deposit plans are closed, all applications for payment of income are repealed, all funds returned to your account balance. Below providing details of how and when will a compensation (return) of capital undergo, which is left on your balance sheets.
Compensation will be carried out in two stages:
First stage:
Start - 09.11.2010.
Will go ~ 100-180 days, depending on the number of applications.
Order of compensation - from smaller to larger.
Condition - agreement on the transaction of full ompensation amount to one of the pools of FAIRhyip Forex Edition investment portfolio.
Advantages of - your money works and generates income for both, you and the company. That will allow us accelerate the process of compensation.
Note - if your compensation sum is greater than (or equivalent to) 5,000 USD, we’re providing an "investor's password" to monitor your Forex-pool account in live mode. Authentification data is available on request.
Second stage:
Start - after the end of First stage.
Duration of compensation - until zero balance of private investment portfolios.
Order of compensation - from smaller to larger.
To confirm your desire to participate in the first stage of compensation, you must submit an application to withdraw the entire amount of money on your balance, in the line "withdrawal comments:" write text "Forex", and send a letter on special e-mail:
[email protected], which must contain:
1. Your investment portfolio.
2. Your ID.
The letter should be sent from the e-mail, which is registered in your account!
If this condition is not satisfied - application will not be accepted!
When it is your turn to compensate, you will receive a confirmation letter with a proposal to select a pool of FAIRhyip Forex Edition project.
To participate in the second stage is enough to apply for withdrawal of funds in a standard format.
Thank you for waiting, we apologize for the situation and look forward to your wisdom and confidence.
Best regards,
Fair Management Corporation
[email protected]"