14.05.14 12:13 Received Payment 10.00 USD from account U3262262 to account U2209ххх. Batch: 57143030. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw from gbgroup24.c.
14.05.14 12:13 Received Payment 10.00 USD from account U3262262 to account U2209ххх. Batch: 57143030. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw from gbgroup24.c.
Потрясающий проект, радующий нас всех чуть больше двух месяцев! БРАВО! Не перестаю восхищаться...
Изменена реферальная программа, теперь рефка не зависит от размера вашего вклада, теперь она фиксированная 5% у всех
и еще:Новости проекта:
Изменена реферальная программа, теперь рефка не зависит от размера вашего вклада, теперь она фиксированная 5% у всех
Приятная новость для наших инвесторов и партнеров: введение нового тарифного плана * эксклюзив * - 5% в течение 25 дней - участника не возвращаются.
Этот тарифный план предназначен только для частных инвесторов и не могут быть использованы advertizi НГ общин и мониторингов.
Processor : Perfectmoney
Date : 2014-05-15 09:10
From/To Account : U3262262
Amount : 1.20
Currency : USD
Batch : 57225403
Memo : API Payment. Sent Payment 1.20 USD to account
15.05.14 09:10 Received Payment 10.42 USD from account U3262262 to account U2209ххх. Batch: 57225366. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw from gbgroup24.c.
Activity of our company is directed on continuous improvement of quality of provided services and introduction of innovations in all areas of marketing.
The grandiose rebranding which will affect the following aspects becomes the following step: design, tariff plans, multilingualism of the site, new payment systems, PA new functions and many other things.
We keep up to date and always on an edge of the most actual tendencies in the world investment online.
Change of our Affiliate program becomes the beginning of a rebreyding: the decision to enter uniform refferal remuneration for all tariff plans of 5% is made.
Small corrections of tariff plans are entered. You can will examine them according to the link https://gbgroup24.com/pcode/investment
Pleasant news to our investors and partners: introduction of a new tariff plan * Exclusive * - 5% for 25 days - Principal don't return.
This tariff plan is intended only for private investors and can't be used by advertizi ng communities and monitorings.
5% for 25 days
Daily interest: 5%
Investment period:25 days
Amount of investment: 50 – 1501 (USD)
Charges / Payments: 7 days a week
Compounding: not available
Principal return: not available
Refferal fee: 5%
Total Return: 125%
Деп на новый план:
The amount of 200 USD has been withdrawn from your Perfect Money account. Memo: Shopping Cart Payment. Create deposit, name - EXCLUSIVE, user Selektor.. Date: 10:30 15.05.14. Batch: 57231717.