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  • 🐑 Моисей водил бесплатно. А мы платим, хотя тоже планируем работать 40 лет! Принимай участие в партнеской программе MMGP
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hourlyrevshare.net - hourlyrevshare - Страница 51


при вкладе в 300 и 6 дохлых рефах у меня результат такой:

Total Members Referred: 6
Total Ad Pack Purchase: $14236.00
Active Ad Packs: $7628.00
Total Amount Paid: $1430.91
Total Commission Paid: $158.8400
Banner Credits: 4006150.00
Text Ad Credits: 4006150.00
Неплохо. Пробуйте поменять данные на американские и заходить в проект через американский прокси.Может удастся вывести на стп.

добавлено через 1 минуту
Я с самого начала не поверила, что были украдены деньги, не поверила в историю с ребенком.
Обычная отмазка админов перед скамом.
Последнее редактирование:


Всем здравствуйте.А остановили начислять не в субботу, как говорили, а в пятницу. а в тот день на форексе, коль на него ссылаются, бывает самая движуха. Это говорю , как старый трейдер. вот такие белочки. и думай, что дальше будет?


Всем здравствуйте.А остановили начислять не в субботу, как говорили, а в пятницу. а в тот день на форексе, коль на него ссылаются, бывает самая движуха. Это говорю , как старый трейдер. вот такие белочки. и думай, что дальше будет?

Да хоть думай, хоть не думай. Все равно на ПМ ничего не выводят и обещали все обнулить. Так какая разница, начисляют или нет.


Сайт заработал, деньги вернули, даже те что вывели
значит тебе поперло...ну или еще до тебя у них руки не дошли
у меня все обнулили!!!...ток я давно в профите
в рестарты не верю...не к добру это...:dirol:
ну или если покажут ЖИВУЮ Аннели...то подумаю...а так создалось впечатление и по почерку ввидно что всем рулит док.Ливен(Мудак)


Новости на сайте!

2013-06-18 HRS-II - Part 1 - Balances Transferred
Hi Everyone,

As you have probably already seen on the website, have read on Facebook or in the Skype Rooms:

Dear HRS Members,

As you know, we are in the Final Stages of the New and Fresh TRANSFORMATION towards HRS-II. The Programmers are making very good progress and soon will be putting the FINAL TOUCHES.

At this stage, we expect to LIVE in approximately 48-72 hours (latest by Friday)

We greatly appreciate your patience and ALL DETAILS will be revealed and explained in CLARITY.

THANK YOU for your Patience and THANK YOU for your Trust

With Love

Analie Steinway

So… what I have decided to do is write 1 Newsletter Update – EVERY DAY, for at least the next 5 days, so that we can go STEP by STEP through each of the different qualities of HRS-II without overloading TOO MUCH in 1 Message.

For TODAY… I want to talk about “The BALANCES that will be TRANSFERRED into HRS-II”
Tomorrow, we will talk about “The Earnings Percentages, etc.”
Then we will also talk about “The First Withdrawals”, “The First Payouts”, “The 300-500% Limits on the Earnings”, “The New Flexible Percentages (instead of Static)”, “The PIF Accounts” and several other subjects.

I would suggest to stay CALM, try not to SPECULATE too much… as each aspect will be explained and of course will become crystal clear, once it is set in motion.


But before we go there, let me give again a quick overview on how we unfortunately arrived, with HRS-I, at a point that was NOT sustainable and would have driven HRS completely into its downfall:

1 - We have grown much faster than I ever anticipated, so yes, I got overloaded beyond control – and even our servers got overloaded – but we got that resolved through better and faster servers, and considerable re-programming.

2 - In the beginning we struggled severely with Server Attacks – but with time and expertise, we’ve got that resolved as well – no other attacks since.

3 – Then, one day I found that our .com Domain had been “kidnapped” (through a registrar who had no principles) and we got resolved through switching to the .net domain

4 – Then a very painful one was that someone hacked into my Liberty Reserve account and stole $870,000.00 USD – and even more painful was that LR didn’t even bother to investigate it. This meant a great loss of Reserve Funds. But, I injected over $500,000 of my own money to resolve that issue.

5 – Then, Profitable Sunrise collapsed… Profit Clicking was not paying out,… BannersBroker was no longer Paying Out… and people started become very scared and nervous and started to WITHDRAW in mass. I realized that we needed to do something to PRESERVE the RESERVE FUNDS – too many withdrawals too fast – and not enough time to trade with these funds. And that is when I realized it was necessary to start to REDUCE the Amount of Withdrawals to ONCE A WEEK (cause some members were doing withdrawals every hour!!! – can you imagine)

6 – Then things kept getting busier and busier (with the Payouts and the Support and the Trading) … and had almost gotten to a level where I barely had time left for my family and myself. I became exhausted. And that is when it becomes even more difficult to see clear and make clear decisions. But, I continued to do my very best that I could – despite the haunting stress. On several occasions I had wanted to fly out to Ireland to meet up with Dr. Lieven, but the schedule simply didn’t allow.

7 – We finally planned a week that worked for all of us, so that we could meet in Ireland with Moni (who flew all the way from New Zealand to Ireland) and we were going to brainstorm the necessary Re-Structuring of HRS. But then – sadly enough, my son, Klaus, had the terrible fall in the park, which put him in the hospital and in coma for 2 days. Probably my most frightening days of HRS and quite possibly of my life. Fortunately, with proper medical attention, Klaus did wake up and has been recovering well since. I want to THANK ALL OF YOU for your prayers and your very kind and supportive messages. This was an extremely difficult time for me – as a mother - and it shook me to my foundations as a business woman.

8 – Next, we got hit with the SHUT DOWN of Liberty Reserve. They were found to have Scammed over $6 Billion Dollars. I was still using LR for some of my Forex Trading… so all of that got wiped out. Another TEAR in the Reserves. Almost all other Programs had to cut back or quit paying all together. Even some just disappeared into thin air (like Brisco Funds) – and that is when I had to really cut back on Payouts. But nevertheless, I tried to make sure that we still have a DAILY DOSE of Payouts going out to Members.

9 - By that time… now in looking back… I realized that we had really missed the ball with Earning Percentages that were WAY TOO HIGH, to be sustainable. And I know that some of you wonder why I didn’t see or realize that sooner… but IN HINDSIGHT everything becomes clear and we all become experts, right? So… I could see that HRS, while I was trying very hard to keep things going, as best as I could, was SINKING IN THE SAND.

And that is when I realized we either had to bury this project – in which case, I would have been happy to refund anyone who had lost money, or knuckle down and fix this. I am a fighter… giving up is not in my nature… so, instead of giving up, we “put our heads together” and came up with several BRILLIANT IDEAS and soon we were looking at the HRS-II Plans. The biggest barrier, however, was that we were going to have to do a VERY RADICAL TRANSITION, and we were going to have to do it FAST. I realized very well that this RADICAL TRANSITION would upset many of you – might even scare some of you – or might even leave some of you with a feeling of being scammed or mislead. But, when it’s time to do A LIFE SAVING OPERATION… we sometimes need to put all criticism, fears and hesitations aside and simply DO what is necessary. And voilà… this brings us to the most recent Newsletter.

Now, having worked with the Programmers and having had time to really THINK about the HRS-II Plan, we truly have a VERY STURDY STRUCTURE that is much more ROBUST and FLEXIBLE than before. So we will be able to ride the storms much better… we will be able to grow much more with much more stability… and we will have a structure that will be able to adapt much faster.

Remember… there is NO HANDBOOK or MBA Course in any University that tells us what to do here. This is UNCHARTED TERRAIN… and we all know that most similar programs have failed and flopped at it… so we shouldn’t do any copying of them either. It’s all about being Creative and Smart and, at the same time, keeping our Compass and Direction in line with our Vision.

One Last Thing before we move to today’s subject:


I know that most of you would like to see all the PENDING WITHDRAWALS PAID – as you feel that that is a way of CONFIRMING THAT I KEEP MY WORD. And truly, I wish for nothing more than to SHOW YOU JUST THAT – because I am not a cheater and I am not a scammer. I am running an honest business the best way I can. However, I am not the Federal Reserve and I cannot just PRINT A BUNCH OF NEW MONEY. I do hope that my above explanation helps to bring some clarity to HOW THE RESERVE FUNDS got DEPLETED. So, I cannot magically make money appear out of thin air. I can only pay from the AVAILABLE RESERVES. And as you can see for all the past weeks, during this INTERRUPT or PAUSE… I have continued to do the very best I could – especially with the smaller accounts, as many of these members are very dependent on that money. I believe that any observer can see that I keep doing the best that I can.

However, in order to REBUILD Fresh Reserves, we MUST move on with HRS-II and I have been delighted to HEAR OVERWHELMING SUPPORT and a CONFIRMATION from you, the Membership (via your Facebook Responses), that YOU ARE READY FOR HRS-II.

Once HRS-II is in Full Motion and once I have been able to enjoy doing some of the Prompt Payouts again – most of you know that I enjoy nothing more than to do payouts – knowing it’s like sending little rays of light to each of the families…. Then I promise that I will take another look at the PENDING WITHDRAWALS. However, please also keep in mind, that there are Members who DID NOT WITHDRAW, yet were very loyal in referring other New HRS Members…. THEY TOO DESERVE TO GET INTO PROFIT. That is why,… above all it is essential that we get started with HRS-II.

So… Now for Today:

“The BALANCES that will be TRANSFERRED into HRS-II”

This is an EASY and SIMPLE one for today… tomorrow we will dig into all the other ones…

From an overwhelming result – as expressed in the FB Polls – almost everyone is in full agreement that we need to make sure the Members who have NOT BEEN PAID YET get PRIORITY ATTENTION

and SUPPORT. These are the Members who DID NOT GET INTO PROFIT, either because their Withdrawals are still pending – or – because they have not requested a withdrawal yet. I believe that any Member who has already earned significant Profit could hardly or fairly argue with that.

So… it’s very simple:

There are 3 groups:
GROUP 1 – who received more in Payouts than their Original Purchase (those in profit)
GROUP 2 – who received NO Payouts (who otherwise would have lost money)
GROUP 3 – who only received some Payouts, but less than their Original Spend

When HRS-II opens up its doors:

GROUP 1 – will find a ZERO BALANCE
Example: Bill purchased with $1,000
Bill already got paid 10 times @ $300 each, for a total of $3,000
so he will find $0.00 (zero) active Ad Packs in his New HRS-II Account

GROUP 2 – will find 100% of their Original Funding Deposit
Example: John purchased with $1,000
John never received any Payouts
so he will find $1,000 in active Ad Packs in his New HRS-II Account

GROUP 3 – will find their Original Funding Deposit – (minus) their Payouts
Example: Mary purchased with $1,000
Mary received 3 Payouts of $100 each, for a total of $300
so she will find $700 in active Ad Packs in her New HRS-II Account

These are words that I have seen DOZENS of times in Facebook,
when the above was explained: “THAT IS VERY FAIR FOR EVERYONE”

* in a coming Update, we WILL talk about accounts that were started with PIF Funds.

Tomorrow, we will talk about “The Earnings Percentages, etc.”

Then, we will also talk about
- “The First Withdrawals”
- “The First Payouts”
- “The 300-500% Limits on the Earnings”
- “The New Flexible Percentages (instead of Static)”
- “The PIF Accounts”
and several other subjects.

Again - I would suggest to stay CALM, try not to SPECULATE too much… as each aspect will be explained and of course will become crystal clear, once it is set in motion.

Thanks for your time to READ this Update
and we’ll continue TOMORROW.

Till then…

добавлено через 2 минуты
UaRicH, Поэтому и обнулили что ты в прибыли в новостях об этом написали, я не в прибыли но 165 баксов вывел, но мне всё равно вернули на баланс даже то что вывели, первоначаьный велад, посмотрим что дальше будет:rolleyes:
Последнее редактирование:


Последнее редактирование:


Анелия в своем обращении пишет:
"5.Затем, выгодные Восход рухнул ... Прибыль Щелчок не выплаты, ... BannersBroker больше не выплатить ... и люди начали становиться очень страшно и нервную и начали выводить в массы."
Похоже, что Форексом здесь и не пахнет. Она, а т.е. др. Ливен, собраные деньги вложила в Банерс Брокер. А ББ в 2013 году платить перестал. Вот денег и нестало, платить в Харлее нечем, новых поступлений нет.:rolleyes:


C торгов на бирже
с каких торгов???:crackup:
с какой биржи???:lol:
может хватит быть в иллюзии?
Она, а т.е. др. Ливен, собраные деньги вложила
кто видел Аннели??? вроде 1 раз и то не понятно кто это был
а вот теперь сравните смс из скап-чатов от док.Ливена с письмами на почту!!! один и тот же стиль написания - один словестный панос и ни какой кокретики
и в каждом письме невидимая Аннели не забывает упомянуть как ахерннеый чувак это док.Ливен...:dirol:




а сколько ты вложил, что за 2 дня 121 долл на вывод получилось?
да и кто ты такой? с 0 сообщений на MMGP.COM

Кто я такой-я не нытик, я умею нормально зарабатывать и нормально расставаться со своими деньгами. Все мы хотели халявы и знали на что идем, а тут уж как повезет. Почему я за два дня заработал 121$, потому-что, я вложил не 10$, у меня в марте было вложено в два приема 1520$ и ничего не выведено, хотя на вывод уже стояло около полутора тыс. и в работе было больше 8 тыс.$. Я буду рад, если не потеряю эти деньги, но даже если потеряю, то не буду позориться и ныть на весь мир, я знал на что шел. Ну конечно я тебя понимаю и сочувствую, видимо эти 10 баксов у тебя были последние. Да и написал я здесь про свой вывод не ради рекламы, а для того, чтобы вселить надежду другим, кто ещё надеется вернуть свои деньги.


Р М, надежду вы не вселили, а просто похвастались.
На Солид выводы идут ежедневно. А на Перфектмани вывод последний был 31 мая. После этого выводов нет. А большенство здесь присутствующих выводит на Перфектмани.
Я сегодня поставила на вывод 86 дол. Сегодня сделали 694 вывода, но не одного на Перфектмани.


Р М, надежду вы не вселили, а просто похвастались.
На Солид выводы идут ежедневно. А на Перфектмани вывод последний был 31 мая. После этого выводов нет. А большенство здесь присутствующих выводит на Перфектмани.
Я сегодня поставила на вывод 86 дол. Сегодня сделали 694 вывода, но не одного на Перфектмани.

Да не хотел я хвастаться, просто очень грубо мне был задан вопрос, кто я такой и сколько я вложил, поэтому и ответ был такой. Я конечно Вам искренне сочувствую. Согласен, на солид выводы идут, но у меня с апреля месяца стояли на вывод три суммы по 490$ и они не выводились, хотя выводы шли ежедневно, а потом они сгорели. И вот сегодня утром я поставил на вывод, а вечером получил, поэтому и поделился радостью. Но ныть бы все равно не стал, мужчинам неположенно.


у меня в марте было вложено в два приема 1520$
чет мне верится с трудом...
видимо эти 10 баксов у тебя были последние.
если пролистаешь назад...на начало февраля....на то время ты еще и не знал ни че о Харлее...так вот я уже тогда был в профите...если нормально читаешь русские БУКВЫ...то в моих словах ни слова нытья!!!
а тебе - профита...на твои 2х1520$...:wink2:
ток че не 1500 а АЖ 1520...:crackup:

добавлено через 1 минуту
просто очень грубо мне был задан вопрос, кто я такой и сколько я вложил
ну извени...не знал что ты такой нежный
Последнее редактирование:


народ, у кого то такое было, что деньги не пришли на ПМ, но сообщение на почту пришло об оплате ? Думал проблема в платежке, они сказали что не имели никакой сделки с Харлеем по моему аккаунту.

добавлено через 1 минуту
сообщение пришло от харлея, но денег на ПМ нет

Amount Paid: $47.7628
Account Number: U37*****
Account Type: PerfectMoney

Transaction I.D: Cashout I.D #11673845
Date: 21st Jun 2013
Time: 14:07:07 1 GMT
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