На талке обговаривают последнее послание Винса и мало кто в него верит. Суждения типа такого
He's doing it because he can.
I hope you noticed that his wordy newsletter really didn't give you any viable information at all. He didn't tell you when anything was going to happen -- he even made it sound like he still doesn't have that money he'd said he would have at the beginning of December. All he told you was that he couldn't have it all after all...but he never told you when he would have part of it.
He's still stringing you all along because he's not a good person. Look at how he threatened that one poster just for asking a question! That makes him feel powerful -- he's got your money and he thinks he's got the power to make you be afraid of him and reluctant to question him.
This is a man who is hoping to suck in some newbie money for himself and then I guarantee you - he'll be gone and so will your money. And since none of you know who he is, you won't even recognize him when he turns up with a new program and a new name and starts the whole thing all over again.
There will never be e-gold payments again. The debit card is never going to work. And there more than likely won't be any more wire transfer payments either. He just wants you to think there might be - because he can.
Кстати примечательно то, что отписался он сразу=же после того как я написал ему своё спасибо за полученную денюшку и дал ссылку на свой пост об этом на талке (на нём тоже не верят что вайер пришёл).
а как это сделать? Винс же не хочет депы в аках объеденять? Ему же писали эти просьбы об объеденении мелких вкладов в один на определённом плане - отказал. А теперь ему вообще писать бестолку - не отвечает никому
He's doing it because he can.
I hope you noticed that his wordy newsletter really didn't give you any viable information at all. He didn't tell you when anything was going to happen -- he even made it sound like he still doesn't have that money he'd said he would have at the beginning of December. All he told you was that he couldn't have it all after all...but he never told you when he would have part of it.
He's still stringing you all along because he's not a good person. Look at how he threatened that one poster just for asking a question! That makes him feel powerful -- he's got your money and he thinks he's got the power to make you be afraid of him and reluctant to question him.
This is a man who is hoping to suck in some newbie money for himself and then I guarantee you - he'll be gone and so will your money. And since none of you know who he is, you won't even recognize him when he turns up with a new program and a new name and starts the whole thing all over again.
There will never be e-gold payments again. The debit card is never going to work. And there more than likely won't be any more wire transfer payments either. He just wants you to think there might be - because he can.
Кстати примечательно то, что отписался он сразу=же после того как я написал ему своё спасибо за полученную денюшку и дал ссылку на свой пост об этом на талке (на нём тоже не верят что вайер пришёл).
Советую как в прошлый раз активизировать свои позиции в плане объединения своих аккаунтов в один физический. Это поможет увеличить % ставку и продлить срок инвестиционного периода.
а как это сделать? Винс же не хочет депы в аках объеденять? Ему же писали эти просьбы об объеденении мелких вкладов в один на определённом плане - отказал. А теперь ему вообще писать бестолку - не отвечает никому
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