6/14/2010 22:13 39740881 U5519202 (StockGeneration) + $1.24
6/14/2010 22:13 39740881 U5519202 (StockGeneration) + $1.24
А я нашел вот такой обзорчик:
А так пока рекламы не видат. В принципе, проект с долгосрочными планами, поэтому здесь важна постепенная раскрутка,имхо.Hello friends.. today i was adding a new program to my Monitoring list, the name is Stock Generation. It is a new program which launching on 9 June 2010. Since i see this program, i was interested to this site view. The site have very good design and unique. The site providing to support in multi languages, consist of: English, Spain, Chinese and Russian. My shock is not just over there. While i joined to this program, the site using unique account security method, is table of codes. These table consists with some combination codes which will use when you login into your account after you passed your password. These table will send while you have done registered in Stock Generation.
If you would like to follow my steps, i think you must know about Stock Generation. Stock Generation is an investment company which operating their business on stock markets. They claimed that have already been successfully engaging in analyzing and buying Penny Stocks for ten years. To sure their business promises, they inform on site that their company is legal and registered in the Republic of Dominica. They also shown their office address which located at 8 Copthall, Roseau Valley, 00152 Commonwealth of Dominica.
To guarantee their members can make any transactions safely, Stock Generation using secured site which running on protected server. For website, it is using 256-bit SSL ecryption providing by Comodo. It verified and certificated by PositeveSSL. While the server using Anti DDoS attacks from Actually, Stock Generation have hosting located on Staminus Communications which running on Dedicated Server, but it combined with Anti DDoS from
Those Protections will safe your transactions made on Stock Generation's plans offer. Stock Generation gives you opportunites on 3 plans which have long-term. The plans consits of:
- Low-risk Shares : 1.0 - 1.4% daily for 215 business days, amounts: $20 - $1,000
- Middle-risk Shares : 1.3 - 1.6% daily for 215 business days, amounts: $800 - $10,000
- High-risk Shares : 1.5 - 2.0% daily for 215 business days, amounts: $8,000 - $12,000
All plans above are using range profits. It indicates that they offer you variable profits. For example: if you invest $20 in Low-risk Shares, you can get profits about $0.20 to $0.28. For you who want more profits, you can using Compounding system, 'cause Stock Generation has already support it.
Overall, in the midst of many new HYIP Industries by offering short-term program, Stock Generation is one of interesting offer for you who prefer long-term HYIP Programs. They offer plans which using a year for term with low-ROI. 1.0% is very acceptable profits and it is not too high when they share 2.0% for the highest profits. Stock Generation also know that to get trust from investors, they must supported the programs with protected site, and they done of it. SSL protection from Comodo and using anti DDoS Server from DDoSWIZ is the right step for it. For payment, Stock Generation was provide it in wide range payment by support it on Liberty Reserve, Perfect Money and AlertPay. You can also make opportunities with Stock Generation without make any investment, because Stock Generation offers you 5% referral commission, no matter whether you have an active investment or not, they will accept any businesses from you. And the last benefits offer from Stock Generation is: you will be able open and close your deposit at any convenient time without commission fee while you have get two active referrals. Active refferals meaning that any members who join under your refferral has make deposit in Stock Generation. So friends.. enjoy your HYIP business with Stock Generation, and please remember that spread your money in some programs is more safe than invest in a program with huge money.
На мой вопрос по поводу моников и рекламы был ответ:
Баннеры разрабатываются. На данный момент мы не планируем подключить много мониторов. Мы имеем техническую поддержку на 4 языках: английский, испанский, китайский и русский. Таким образом, вы можете обратиться за помощью в вашем родном языке.
С наилучшими пожеланиями,
Агата Rojo.
Да... легкий закос под Мавроди))
а вот этот мне понравился , всё на месте, закину на днях
чего-то не нашел в акаунте возможности депозита через alertpay, брешут чтоли?